Master in Local Development and Territory 24 months Postgraduate Program By Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) |Top Universities

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The Master's Degree in Local and Territorial Development is the postgraduate program offered by the Department of Geography and Territorial Planning (DGOT) since September 2000 according to Opinion I/99/492, for all those with a profile linked to areas of social, economic or related sciences.
The study program offered is schooled, tutorial and generational - lasting two years -, which was modified in February 2006 as established by Opinion I/2006/055, which is still in force. To date, the entry of its eleventh generation is reported, which began on February 10, 2021, with thirteen students, nine nationals and three foreigners from Cuba and Brazil. 
In terms of its accreditations, the Master's degree is a program integrated into the National Register of Quality Postgraduate Studies (PNPC-CONACYT), with a consolidated level and research orientation. In 2004 he entered the Postgraduate Strengthening Program (PIFOP-CONACYT); while since 2006 she joined the PNPC-CONACYT, with an accreditation for five years, obtaining re-accreditations at the same level in 2011 (four years); 2015 (four years) and 2018 (three years). 
Regarding local development, as an empirical-analytical perspective, it was proposed since the late 1970s, in the field of economic-social research, focused on subnational territories that promoted economic growth initiatives for job creation and ordering. territorial (Lozano Uvario, 2021). 
At the global level, both globalization and decentralization processes led to a greater impact of subnational governments, as well as the participation and involvement of economic and social actors in the solution of local problems, related to adequate management and use of local resources, sustainability, and the promotion of local capacities to achieve adequate governance. 
At the same time, neoliberal approaches in the application of economic policy, in the agenda of political and social reforms, and the recent forms of internationalization of production and capital, have given rise to new realities in national and subnational territories., which has allowed the perspective of local development to acquire greater relevance in the understanding of the global-local dialectic, as well as in the participation of different actors in the transformation of society, with a “more concrete and contextualized vision of the analysis and of development policies from each local level (Alburquerque, 2015: 50)" (Lozano Uvario, 2021).
In this context, subsidiarity policies emphasize decision-making by the authorities closest to the problems, “based on general principles and laws that link local processes with their regional, national and international environment (Think globally and acts locally)” (Maass, 2019, p. 30), recognize that the local scale becomes more efficient for the management of socio-ecosystems, based on the action and support capabilities of the local population and social actors. involved. 
Therefore, analyzing development processes from the local development approach allows us to identify endogenous dynamics based not only on growth and employment in communities, but also on the valorization of local resources and the consideration of social, cultural and cultural particularities. identity of the places. By taking into account the local origin of development, the emergence of local initiatives and the empowerment of local actors to act and even be an alternative to the exogenous dynamics that occur in the territories are valued. Likewise, when considered not only theoretical, but also action or practical, following the approach allows the actions and management of places, based on their potential resources, as well as the individual and collective capacities of society to generate and accumulate wealth according to the vision that it defines for itself. Hence, it remains current for the analysis of the development problems of the 21st century.
In this scenario, the Master's Degree in Local and Territory Development offers society in general - national and international - and Jalisco in particular, to train researchers with the ability to analyze, manage and offer answers to problems linked to local development. in specific territories, as well as those that come from the dynamics of territorial development, in the construction of current and future scenarios.
The Master's Degree in Local and Territorial Development advocates developing training from a geographical, comprehensive and inclusive perspective, from which graduates will enter the world of work not only as researchers, but as managers of the local development, promoting the construction of visions from the promotion of territory and sustainability, which supports the construction of places from the recognition and responsibility of the actors in the conservation of ecosystems, in the proposal of participatory alternatives, through sustainable management, community and integrated.

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The Master's Degree in Local and Territorial Development is the postgraduate program offered by the Department of Geography and Territorial Planning (DGOT) since September 2000 according to Opinion I/99/492, for all those with a profile linked to areas of social, economic or related sciences.
The study program offered is schooled, tutorial and generational - lasting two years -, which was modified in February 2006 as established by Opinion I/2006/055, which is still in force. To date, the entry of its eleventh generation is reported, which began on February 10, 2021, with thirteen students, nine nationals and three foreigners from Cuba and Brazil. 
In terms of its accreditations, the Master's degree is a program integrated into the National Register of Quality Postgraduate Studies (PNPC-CONACYT), with a consolidated level and research orientation. In 2004 he entered the Postgraduate Strengthening Program (PIFOP-CONACYT); while since 2006 she joined the PNPC-CONACYT, with an accreditation for five years, obtaining re-accreditations at the same level in 2011 (four years); 2015 (four years) and 2018 (three years). 
Regarding local development, as an empirical-analytical perspective, it was proposed since the late 1970s, in the field of economic-social research, focused on subnational territories that promoted economic growth initiatives for job creation and ordering. territorial (Lozano Uvario, 2021). 
At the global level, both globalization and decentralization processes led to a greater impact of subnational governments, as well as the participation and involvement of economic and social actors in the solution of local problems, related to adequate management and use of local resources, sustainability, and the promotion of local capacities to achieve adequate governance. 
At the same time, neoliberal approaches in the application of economic policy, in the agenda of political and social reforms, and the recent forms of internationalization of production and capital, have given rise to new realities in national and subnational territories., which has allowed the perspective of local development to acquire greater relevance in the understanding of the global-local dialectic, as well as in the participation of different actors in the transformation of society, with a “more concrete and contextualized vision of the analysis and of development policies from each local level (Alburquerque, 2015: 50)" (Lozano Uvario, 2021).
In this context, subsidiarity policies emphasize decision-making by the authorities closest to the problems, “based on general principles and laws that link local processes with their regional, national and international environment (Think globally and acts locally)” (Maass, 2019, p. 30), recognize that the local scale becomes more efficient for the management of socio-ecosystems, based on the action and support capabilities of the local population and social actors. involved. 
Therefore, analyzing development processes from the local development approach allows us to identify endogenous dynamics based not only on growth and employment in communities, but also on the valorization of local resources and the consideration of social, cultural and cultural particularities. identity of the places. By taking into account the local origin of development, the emergence of local initiatives and the empowerment of local actors to act and even be an alternative to the exogenous dynamics that occur in the territories are valued. Likewise, when considered not only theoretical, but also action or practical, following the approach allows the actions and management of places, based on their potential resources, as well as the individual and collective capacities of society to generate and accumulate wealth according to the vision that it defines for itself. Hence, it remains current for the analysis of the development problems of the 21st century.
In this scenario, the Master's Degree in Local and Territory Development offers society in general - national and international - and Jalisco in particular, to train researchers with the ability to analyze, manage and offer answers to problems linked to local development. in specific territories, as well as those that come from the dynamics of territorial development, in the construction of current and future scenarios.
The Master's Degree in Local and Territorial Development advocates developing training from a geographical, comprehensive and inclusive perspective, from which graduates will enter the world of work not only as researchers, but as managers of the local development, promoting the construction of visions from the promotion of territory and sustainability, which supports the construction of places from the recognition and responsibility of the actors in the conservation of ecosystems, in the proposal of participatory alternatives, through sustainable management, community and integrated.

Admission requirements

2 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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With over 120,000 students, the main objective of our undergraduate programs, usually lasting from four to five years, is to develop and enrich our students’ professional skills for them to be able to compete in the labor field, by offering theoretical and practical courses taught by renowned professors and researchers recognized at national and international level.

At undergraduate level, the Universidad de Guadalajara offers more than 130 programs in the following topics:

  • Architecture
  • Audiovisual Arts
  • Urban Studies
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The highest scoring applicants will be selected based on their scores on the "PIENSE II" admissions test and their high school grades. There may be additional requirements based on the program.

Bachelor of Arts

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Bachelor of Laws

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The main objective of our postgraduate programmes is to train human resources and researchers to be capable of generating scientific and technological knowledge to contribute to the sustainable development.
The Universidad de Guadalajara offers more than 240 taught and research master and doctoral high quality programmes, some of them recognised by the National Science Council (CONACyT), that attract people from all over the world.   

At graduate level, we offer programmes in the following topics:

  • Architectural Sciences
  • Art and Design Sciences
  • Urban Studies
  • Health Sciences
  • Human Nutrition
  • Behavioural Sciences
  • Higher Education Studies
  • Economic and Management Sciences
  • Biotechnological Sciences
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  • Communication Sciences
  • Literary Studies
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  • Social Sciences
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  • Engineering Sciences
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  • Physics
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences

Entry requirements and application procedures vary depending on the course. 

Master of Laws

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