M.S. in Kinesiology and Recreation - Exercise Physiology 24 months Postgraduate Program By Illinois State University |Top Universities

M.S. in Kinesiology and Recreation - Exercise Physiology

Program Duration

24 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

Sports-related CoursesMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Sports-related Courses

Study Level


Exercise Science provides advanced knowledge in how the body's structures and functions are altered when exposed to acute and chronic bouts of exercise. The concepts of exercise physiology are applied in the training of individuals to maximize their physical potential. Exercise physiology students focus their academic course work on developing the ability to understand and apply the principles of exercise physiology to the acquisition, performance, and refinement of motor skill. Additionally, students learn to use physical activity as an educative tool in health, fitness, and sport settings. As a culminating experience, students in the exercise physiology sequence will complete a thesis or independent study. Students accepted into this sequence will be expected to demonstrate a high level of academic performance in the foundation courses of exercise science and will have been previously involved with basic or applied research projects. Acceptance into the program is also based on the student's desired area of study. It is important that students identify an area of study that matches with the interests and expertise of the exercise physiology faculty members. Completion of the exercise physiology sequence prepares students for future study in exercise physiology at the doctoral level, for research and development, for self-employment in the fitness industry, or for advanced positions in health, fitness, and wellness settings.

Program overview

Main Subject

Sports-related Courses

Study Level


Exercise Science provides advanced knowledge in how the body's structures and functions are altered when exposed to acute and chronic bouts of exercise. The concepts of exercise physiology are applied in the training of individuals to maximize their physical potential. Exercise physiology students focus their academic course work on developing the ability to understand and apply the principles of exercise physiology to the acquisition, performance, and refinement of motor skill. Additionally, students learn to use physical activity as an educative tool in health, fitness, and sport settings. As a culminating experience, students in the exercise physiology sequence will complete a thesis or independent study. Students accepted into this sequence will be expected to demonstrate a high level of academic performance in the foundation courses of exercise science and will have been previously involved with basic or applied research projects. Acceptance into the program is also based on the student's desired area of study. It is important that students identify an area of study that matches with the interests and expertise of the exercise physiology faculty members. Completion of the exercise physiology sequence prepares students for future study in exercise physiology at the doctoral level, for research and development, for self-employment in the fitness industry, or for advanced positions in health, fitness, and wellness settings.

Admission requirements


Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

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