B.S. in Physics - Astronomy Option 48 months Undergraduate Program By Eastern Illinois University |Top Universities

B.S. in Physics - Astronomy Option

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

Physics and AstronomyMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Physics and Astronomy



Study Level


Physics is the foundation of modern science. It encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest structure of matter, the quark. Concepts from relativity to quantum mechanics challenge the imagination. Physics and the technologies developed by physicists play a major role in chemistry, biology, medicine, electronics, geology, and in the applied fields of optics, nanotechnology, computer science, and engineering. The central mission of the undergraduate program in physics is to teach students how physicists measure, describe and explain natural phenomena through scientific investigation and critical thinking. Students learn concepts in physics, quantitative methods for analyzing data and developing theoretical insights, computational, and experimental techniques for testing theoretical predictions and discovering new phenomena. The study of diverse applications as well as elegant theoretical formalisms reveals physics to be an exciting and highly rewarding discipline that has important connections to other sciences, engineering disciplines, and societal goals. The department of physics offers educational opportunities consistent with the broad principles of the College of Sciences. The undergraduate program for students pursuing a bachelor's degree in physics provides a solid and challenging education and prepares them to excel in diverse career paths in which independent thinking, analytical skills, and experimental skills are useful. These paths include graduate or professional school, industrial research, and education- not just in physics, but in other scientific, engineering, social, and professional fields. Astronomy is the study of those objects in space - how stars, planets, and galaxies form and behave and the universe itself. This concentration is for students who want to understand the mysteries of the night sky. Astronomy students study space, the history and future of the universe, and the objects within, such as planets, stars, and galaxies. Subjects of study include the evolution of stars, how the stars and planets move through space, chemistry, and advanced math. Students that complete the astronomy concentration will be prepared for graduate school in astronomy. They will also be suited for technical positions in a variety of areas. Their problem solving and analytical skills will serve them well in the workforce.

Program overview

Main Subject

Physics and Astronomy



Study Level


Physics is the foundation of modern science. It encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest structure of matter, the quark. Concepts from relativity to quantum mechanics challenge the imagination. Physics and the technologies developed by physicists play a major role in chemistry, biology, medicine, electronics, geology, and in the applied fields of optics, nanotechnology, computer science, and engineering. The central mission of the undergraduate program in physics is to teach students how physicists measure, describe and explain natural phenomena through scientific investigation and critical thinking. Students learn concepts in physics, quantitative methods for analyzing data and developing theoretical insights, computational, and experimental techniques for testing theoretical predictions and discovering new phenomena. The study of diverse applications as well as elegant theoretical formalisms reveals physics to be an exciting and highly rewarding discipline that has important connections to other sciences, engineering disciplines, and societal goals. The department of physics offers educational opportunities consistent with the broad principles of the College of Sciences. The undergraduate program for students pursuing a bachelor's degree in physics provides a solid and challenging education and prepares them to excel in diverse career paths in which independent thinking, analytical skills, and experimental skills are useful. These paths include graduate or professional school, industrial research, and education- not just in physics, but in other scientific, engineering, social, and professional fields. Astronomy is the study of those objects in space - how stars, planets, and galaxies form and behave and the universe itself. This concentration is for students who want to understand the mysteries of the night sky. Astronomy students study space, the history and future of the universe, and the objects within, such as planets, stars, and galaxies. Subjects of study include the evolution of stars, how the stars and planets move through space, chemistry, and advanced math. Students that complete the astronomy concentration will be prepared for graduate school in astronomy. They will also be suited for technical positions in a variety of areas. Their problem solving and analytical skills will serve them well in the workforce.

Admission requirements



Tuition fee and scholarships

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