Bachelor of Arts in Customs Affairs 48 months Undergraduate Program By Al-Farabi Kazakh National University |Top Universities
Subject Ranking

# 151-200QS Subject Rankings

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration



Main Subject Area

Law and Legal StudiesMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Law and Legal Studies



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The purpose of the EP is to train qualified specialists who have General cultural and professional competencies and fundamental basic knowledge in the field of customs affairs, who are able to manage the movement of goods across the customs border, ensure law and order in the customs sphere, who are able to perform the functions of customs officials, specialists and experts in the field of professional activity.
Upon completion of this program, it is expected that students will be able to: 1. To apply in professional activities knowledge of the main stages of the modern history of the progressive development of the statehood of Kazakhstan in the context of the world and Eurasian historical process, of social and ethical values based on social and legal norms and tolerance to various cultural and religious traditions; 2. Understand the tasks of customs in the 21st century, carry out professional activities based on knowledge of the organization of customs, interpret and correctly apply the norms of customs legislation, manage authorized economic operators, persons carrying out activities in the field of customs and participants in foreign economic activity, use knowledge of logistics, customs infrastructure and warehousing, to carry out customs control of goods and vehicles and carry out to prevent customs offenses, demonstrate risk analysis and risk management skills; carry out the production of customs expertise, conduct customs office work, apply technical means of customs control and forensic methods and technologies in the investigation of customs crimes; 3. Apply knowledge about the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, the fundamentals of public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan, interpret and apply the norms of national legislation, international agreements in the field of foreign economic activity, orient yourself in the public administration system, the financial and tax system of Kazakhstan 4. Qualify crimes in the sphere of economic activity, apply methods of operational-search activity and ways to prevent customs crimes, apply technical means of customs control and navigate the criminal policy in the fight against customs crimes, apply rules on administrative liability for customs offenses, apply knowledge about criminal liability; 5. Perform the functions of a specialist in customs and in the field of entrepreneurship, execute customs declarations, evaluate and classify goods, determine the country of origin, code and customs value of goods, have skills in working with e-customs, e-government, e-justice; 6. Be proficient in foreign languages, be able to write scientific articles and participate in scientific discussions in Kazakh / Russian / foreign language; 7. To distinguish the modern classification of countries in the world economy, the criteria and indicators of the international competitiveness of countries, the place and role of Kazakhstan in the world economy, to demonstrate skills in the use of regulatory and other documents in the field of international trade relations. equipment and organization of operations in the field of foreign trade, customs, monetary and financial activities, assess the impact on the development of the national economy of Kazakhstan processes occurring in the field of international trade, understand and defend the national economic interests of Kazakhstan, evaluate the costs and benefits of participation of Kazakhstan and its business subjects in international economic and trade organizations, understand the goals and objectives of the creation of the EAEU Customs Union, demonstrate knowledge of technology the formation of customs and trade policies within the framework of the WTO and the mechanisms for its implementation, to apply and explain the procedure for resolving disputes in the Customs Union of the EAEU and the WTO; 8. To use knowledge of administrative, financial, tax, civil, civil procedure, labor, criminal, criminal procedure, international, environmental law, commodity science, the global economy and marketing, and other disciplines in their practice, to work with unified (standard standard documents of international financial, trade, banking organizations, to actively use in their professional activities a foreign language (one or more) and modern information ion technology, conduct business negotiations with foreign partners, be entrepreneurial, understand the political context, demonstrate leadership skills, strategic thinking and manage processes; 9. Demonstrate the skills of collecting, analyzing, systematizing and summarizing information in the field of customs, preparing references and analytical reviews on issues of professional activity, text referencing, document management in the field of customs, using informational customs technologies in professional activities; 10. Be competent in the field of development of international customs relations and the modern international division of labor, use knowledge of the organization of customs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the EAEU Customs Union and the World Customs Organization, implement the customs officer’s professional activities, constantly improve their skills and be prepared to continue Masters, to self-learning upon completion of the curriculum, to expand their knowledge based on information and educational echnology, to demonstrate the skills of scientific activity; 11. Work in a team, find compromises and relate your opinion with the team’s opinion, possess positive communication skills based on the principles of patriotism, citizenship and tolerance, share knowledge and experience, be ready to choose priorities, express your point of view on social and economic issues understand and respect civil rights, freedoms and duties of an individual in various countries and cultures, to adapt, work in a multicultural and multicultural community, resolve conflicts and help to cope with stress; 12. Analyze professional information and correctly formulate relevant conclusions and conclusions in the state, Russian and foreign languages, demonstrate skills of critical analysis, independent decision making, overcome established stereotypes, act rationally and independently, guided by their scientifically based conclusions, observations and experience gained as a result of cognitive professional activity, to determine the impact of environmental factors on nature, Generate a healthy lifestyle, use sociological knowledge and methods of sociological research, demonstrate time management skills, independently plan time, prioritize, comply with the deadlines for work and be focused on results.

Program overview

Main Subject

Law and Legal Studies



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The purpose of the EP is to train qualified specialists who have General cultural and professional competencies and fundamental basic knowledge in the field of customs affairs, who are able to manage the movement of goods across the customs border, ensure law and order in the customs sphere, who are able to perform the functions of customs officials, specialists and experts in the field of professional activity.
Upon completion of this program, it is expected that students will be able to: 1. To apply in professional activities knowledge of the main stages of the modern history of the progressive development of the statehood of Kazakhstan in the context of the world and Eurasian historical process, of social and ethical values based on social and legal norms and tolerance to various cultural and religious traditions; 2. Understand the tasks of customs in the 21st century, carry out professional activities based on knowledge of the organization of customs, interpret and correctly apply the norms of customs legislation, manage authorized economic operators, persons carrying out activities in the field of customs and participants in foreign economic activity, use knowledge of logistics, customs infrastructure and warehousing, to carry out customs control of goods and vehicles and carry out to prevent customs offenses, demonstrate risk analysis and risk management skills; carry out the production of customs expertise, conduct customs office work, apply technical means of customs control and forensic methods and technologies in the investigation of customs crimes; 3. Apply knowledge about the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, the fundamentals of public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan, interpret and apply the norms of national legislation, international agreements in the field of foreign economic activity, orient yourself in the public administration system, the financial and tax system of Kazakhstan 4. Qualify crimes in the sphere of economic activity, apply methods of operational-search activity and ways to prevent customs crimes, apply technical means of customs control and navigate the criminal policy in the fight against customs crimes, apply rules on administrative liability for customs offenses, apply knowledge about criminal liability; 5. Perform the functions of a specialist in customs and in the field of entrepreneurship, execute customs declarations, evaluate and classify goods, determine the country of origin, code and customs value of goods, have skills in working with e-customs, e-government, e-justice; 6. Be proficient in foreign languages, be able to write scientific articles and participate in scientific discussions in Kazakh / Russian / foreign language; 7. To distinguish the modern classification of countries in the world economy, the criteria and indicators of the international competitiveness of countries, the place and role of Kazakhstan in the world economy, to demonstrate skills in the use of regulatory and other documents in the field of international trade relations. equipment and organization of operations in the field of foreign trade, customs, monetary and financial activities, assess the impact on the development of the national economy of Kazakhstan processes occurring in the field of international trade, understand and defend the national economic interests of Kazakhstan, evaluate the costs and benefits of participation of Kazakhstan and its business subjects in international economic and trade organizations, understand the goals and objectives of the creation of the EAEU Customs Union, demonstrate knowledge of technology the formation of customs and trade policies within the framework of the WTO and the mechanisms for its implementation, to apply and explain the procedure for resolving disputes in the Customs Union of the EAEU and the WTO; 8. To use knowledge of administrative, financial, tax, civil, civil procedure, labor, criminal, criminal procedure, international, environmental law, commodity science, the global economy and marketing, and other disciplines in their practice, to work with unified (standard standard documents of international financial, trade, banking organizations, to actively use in their professional activities a foreign language (one or more) and modern information ion technology, conduct business negotiations with foreign partners, be entrepreneurial, understand the political context, demonstrate leadership skills, strategic thinking and manage processes; 9. Demonstrate the skills of collecting, analyzing, systematizing and summarizing information in the field of customs, preparing references and analytical reviews on issues of professional activity, text referencing, document management in the field of customs, using informational customs technologies in professional activities; 10. Be competent in the field of development of international customs relations and the modern international division of labor, use knowledge of the organization of customs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the EAEU Customs Union and the World Customs Organization, implement the customs officer’s professional activities, constantly improve their skills and be prepared to continue Masters, to self-learning upon completion of the curriculum, to expand their knowledge based on information and educational echnology, to demonstrate the skills of scientific activity; 11. Work in a team, find compromises and relate your opinion with the team’s opinion, possess positive communication skills based on the principles of patriotism, citizenship and tolerance, share knowledge and experience, be ready to choose priorities, express your point of view on social and economic issues understand and respect civil rights, freedoms and duties of an individual in various countries and cultures, to adapt, work in a multicultural and multicultural community, resolve conflicts and help to cope with stress; 12. Analyze professional information and correctly formulate relevant conclusions and conclusions in the state, Russian and foreign languages, demonstrate skills of critical analysis, independent decision making, overcome established stereotypes, act rationally and independently, guided by their scientifically based conclusions, observations and experience gained as a result of cognitive professional activity, to determine the impact of environmental factors on nature, Generate a healthy lifestyle, use sociological knowledge and methods of sociological research, demonstrate time management skills, independently plan time, prioritize, comply with the deadlines for work and be focused on results.

Admission requirements

4 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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More programs from the university

Al Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) offers 134 bachelor degree programs at 16 faculties, which are among the leaders in the national subject ranking in Kazakhstan. Students can join undergraduate programs in a wide range of disciplines, from the sciences (chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics) through to humanities, law, IR, languages, and journalism. Students can also select from several joint double degree programs with the leading universities from around the world.   The university bachelor degree programs train students to be critical thinkers, well-rounded lifelong learners and future leaders in their specialties. Most of the undergraduate programs of KazNU are accredited by accrediting agencies such as ASIIN, FIBAA, AQ, and ACQUIN.

Undergraduate international students usually study for four years at the individual faculties. Undergraduate study at KazNU includes lectures, seminars and laboratory work carried out in university faculties and departments. KazNU has no quotas for international admissions and around 10 percent of applicants are international students and the number increases every year.

The international admission period runs during the summer for the current academic year. International applicants register at the dedicated website, and prospective students must pass foreign language test in advance.   The application process is broadly the same for international and national students, and the university accepts school qualifications from many different countries.

Tuition fees are currently set by the university at a very competitive level. The tuition fees do not include accommodation or board.

All students find themselves in an innovative educational environment and they have access to the specialized libraries and computer facilities including access to
KazNU’s super-computer as well as to the university technopark, business incubator and startup seed capital provided by the university, businesses and other entities in the country. Every year university students can study in the world’s leading universities within the framework of “Academic mobility” program or join international summer schools.

Al-Farabi KazNU offers 268 full master degrees and 140 full PhD wide range programs which help you facilitate your career progression. The University is the main Higher Education University in preparing masters’ and PhD students. During master degree programs students have a chance to take experience in International Summer Schools and Short Intensive Programs. They funded by Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan. PhD degree students must undergo 2 months international traineeship as a part of their studies. All PhD students can have one local and one international supervisor.

All postgraduate programs of KazNU accredited by Accrediting Degree Programs such as, ASIIN, FIBAA, AQA, ACQUIN. KazNU has drawn up double degree agreements with more than 20 universities and maintains partnerships with around 170 universities worldwide. KazNU embrace a wide range of interrelated disciplines and our programmes of study offer you a high degree of flexibility and choice as well as career relevance.  

Al Farabi KazNU actively involves postgraduate students to work on various innovative projects and programs, including projects conducted jointly with international organizations. For example, in summer 2018 Al Farabi KazNU established the Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development by signing MoU with 8 th UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon and plans to support research projects related to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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Undergrad programs 2146