Al-Farabi Kazakh National University : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details | Top Universities

# 163QS World University Rankings


434Undergrad. & Postgrad. Programmes


28 % International students

About Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Al-Farabi KazNU is the leader of the National Rankings among the universities of Kazakhstan. The university was the first laureate of the Presidential Award of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For Achievements in the Area of Quality” and laureate of the Award of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) for achievements in the area of quality and services in the history of the country.

Al-Farabi KazNU was ranked 150  in the QS World University Rankings 2023, making it Kazakhstan’s highest ranked university. Al-Farabi KazNU is ranked 44th in the QS Asia University Rankings 2023. The university is a member of the following international organizations:  the International Association of Universities, European Society for Engineering Education, the international Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience and International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, and the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education.

It was first among Central Asian universities to join the UN “Academic Impact” (UNAI) program and to become the Global HUB of UNAI on sustainability, aimed at supporting 10 internationally recognized principles of the UN. By the decision of United Nations Academic Impact program Al-Farabi KazNU continue to lead the Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Program on Sustainable Development.

In collaboration with the UN Information Office in Kazakhstan, Al-Farabi KazNU has joined the Global Model UN movement and established its flagship students-led program "The UN Model - the New Silk Road".

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was awarded the prestigious international award «Global Islamic Finance Awards 2020» (GIFA) in recognition of its achievements and contribution to the development of education in Islamic finance. The leading Kazakhstani University became the best in the category of «Best Emerging Islamic Finance Education Provider». The award ceremony was held in Islamabad (Pakistan). 

The University is a member of the following international organizations:  the International Association of Universities, European Society for Engineering Education, the international Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience and International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, and the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education.

The University has established “Al-Farabi” centers in different countries all over the world, e.g. in Shahid Beheshti University (Iran), Tsukuba University (Japan), Beijing University of Foreign Studies and Shanghai University of Foreign Studies ​​(PRC), Istanbul University (Turkey), Jordan University (Jordan), University of Rostock (Germany), University of Karachi (Pakistan), Cairo University (Egypt), Belgorod State University (Russia) and Museum houses of Al-Farabi in Turkey and India.

Al-Farabi KazNU collaborates with international accreditation agencies such as ASIIN, ACQUIN, AQA and FIBAA. Once every three years, educational programs undergo an international accreditation. A number of educational programs of the university were awarded the European Quality Mark “Euro Label”.

Nowadays, Al-Farabi KazNU has 17 schools, which offer 134 BA, 268 MA and 140 PhD educational programs in engineering, natural sciences, humanitarian and social sciences, medical sciences and economics. KazNU enrolls the largest cohort of students in Kazakhstan on its campus in downtown Almaty City, overlooking the gorgeous mountains of Alatau.

Educational programmes:

Undergraduate –


Doctoral –

About Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Al-Farabi KazNU is the leader of the National Rankings among the universities of Kazakhstan. The university was the first laureate of the Presidential Award of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For Achievements in the Area of Quality” and laureate of the Award of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) for achievements in the area of quality and services in the history of the country.

Al-Farabi KazNU was ranked 150  in the QS World University Rankings 2023, making it Kazakhstan’s highest ranked university. Al-Farabi KazNU is ranked 44th in the QS Asia University Rankings 2023. The university is a member of the following international organizations:  the International Association of Universities, European Society for Engineering Education, the international Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience and International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, and the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education.

It was first among Central Asian universities to join the UN “Academic Impact” (UNAI) program and to become the Global HUB of UNAI on sustainability, aimed at supporting 10 internationally recognized principles of the UN. By the decision of United Nations Academic Impact program Al-Farabi KazNU continue to lead the Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Program on Sustainable Development.

In collaboration with the UN Information Office in Kazakhstan, Al-Farabi KazNU has joined the Global Model UN movement and established its flagship students-led program "The UN Model - the New Silk Road".

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was awarded the prestigious international award «Global Islamic Finance Awards 2020» (GIFA) in recognition of its achievements and contribution to the development of education in Islamic finance. The leading Kazakhstani University became the best in the category of «Best Emerging Islamic Finance Education Provider». The award ceremony was held in Islamabad (Pakistan). 

The University is a member of the following international organizations:  the International Association of Universities, European Society for Engineering Education, the international Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience and International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, and the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education.

The University has established “Al-Farabi” centers in different countries all over the world, e.g. in Shahid Beheshti University (Iran), Tsukuba University (Japan), Beijing University of Foreign Studies and Shanghai University of Foreign Studies ​​(PRC), Istanbul University (Turkey), Jordan University (Jordan), University of Rostock (Germany), University of Karachi (Pakistan), Cairo University (Egypt), Belgorod State University (Russia) and Museum houses of Al-Farabi in Turkey and India.

Al-Farabi KazNU collaborates with international accreditation agencies such as ASIIN, ACQUIN, AQA and FIBAA. Once every three years, educational programs undergo an international accreditation. A number of educational programs of the university were awarded the European Quality Mark “Euro Label”.

Nowadays, Al-Farabi KazNU has 17 schools, which offer 134 BA, 268 MA and 140 PhD educational programs in engineering, natural sciences, humanitarian and social sciences, medical sciences and economics. KazNU enrolls the largest cohort of students in Kazakhstan on its campus in downtown Almaty City, overlooking the gorgeous mountains of Alatau.

Educational programmes:

Undergraduate –


Doctoral –

Available programmes

Al Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) offers 134 bachelor degree programs at 16 faculties, which are among the leaders in the national subject ranking in Kazakhstan. Students can join undergraduate programs in a wide range of disciplines, from the sciences (chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics) through to humanities, law, IR, languages, and journalism. Students can also select from several joint double degree programs with the leading universities from around the world.   The university bachelor degree programs train students to be critical thinkers, well-rounded lifelong learners and future leaders in their specialties. Most of the undergraduate programs of KazNU are accredited by accrediting agencies such as ASIIN, FIBAA, AQ, and ACQUIN.

Undergraduate international students usually study for four years at the individual faculties. Undergraduate study at KazNU includes lectures, seminars and laboratory work carried out in university faculties and departments. KazNU has no quotas for international admissions and around 10 percent of applicants are international students and the number increases every year.

The international admission period runs during the summer for the current academic year. International applicants register at the dedicated website, and prospective students must pass foreign language test in advance.   The application process is broadly the same for international and national students, and the university accepts school qualifications from many different countries.

Tuition fees are currently set by the university at a very competitive level. The tuition fees do not include accommodation or board.

All students find themselves in an innovative educational environment and they have access to the specialized libraries and computer facilities including access to
KazNU’s super-computer as well as to the university technopark, business incubator and startup seed capital provided by the university, businesses and other entities in the country. Every year university students can study in the world’s leading universities within the framework of “Academic mobility” program or join international summer schools.

Al-Farabi KazNU offers 268 full master degrees and 140 full PhD wide range programs which help you facilitate your career progression. The University is the main Higher Education University in preparing masters’ and PhD students. During master degree programs students have a chance to take experience in International Summer Schools and Short Intensive Programs. They funded by Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan. PhD degree students must undergo 2 months international traineeship as a part of their studies. All PhD students can have one local and one international supervisor.

All postgraduate programs of KazNU accredited by Accrediting Degree Programs such as, ASIIN, FIBAA, AQA, ACQUIN. KazNU has drawn up double degree agreements with more than 20 universities and maintains partnerships with around 170 universities worldwide. KazNU embrace a wide range of interrelated disciplines and our programmes of study offer you a high degree of flexibility and choice as well as career relevance.  

Al Farabi KazNU actively involves postgraduate students to work on various innovative projects and programs, including projects conducted jointly with international organizations. For example, in summer 2018 Al Farabi KazNU established the Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development by signing MoU with 8 th UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon and plans to support research projects related to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

PhD in Cadastre

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PhD in Chemistry

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PhD in Ecology

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PhD in Geodesy

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PhD in Hydrology

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PhD in Physics

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PhD in Tourism

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University information

1) Campus admission open days/tours?

Our Call Center representatives are available for phone calls at + 7 (727) 377-33-33 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Our campus 3D tour is available on .  Applicants are welcome to see faculty and departments’ profiles and pages. According to the request some additional virtual tours could be organized and conducted in on-line mode.

  2) How to contact the university

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has simplified admission of foreign applicants for BA, MA and PhD doctoral programs. Applications are submitted all year-round  and admission is carried out 2 times a year, 5 days before beginning of the semester according to the academic calendar. The whole process of receiving documents is automated and carried out in a specially-developed application –;

Applicants are welcome for registration at and get access to the online application form in the “Online Registration” on the section of the Personal Account. 

3) Cancelled exams 

The University supports all of the applicants whose exams were canceled. Entrance exams are conducting in on-line mode via Skype (Zoom and other platforms are also available) and could be easily scheduled and rescheduled according to the request. The system is flexible and supportive for applicants.

Currents semester exams and the whole educational process has been transformed into distance mode and implemented through the several information and educational systems:

4) English-language test

University is flexible to applicants who unable pass English-language test or exams and organize online interview via Skype. As the University conducts two entrance exams- language and profile (subject) exam, conducting interview in English or other languages on the subject could be enough for admission.

 In case when the proper English language certificates are obliged, applicants are given postponement till the moment it will be possible. So they may provide English language certificates later.

5)   Visa applications 

All of the applicants are provided by the visas. In case when visas are delayed, University contacts Embassies and Consulates with the request for supporting applicants. In some cases visas are prolonged. These cases are very random and usually it is not an issue for applicants.      

6)   Restrictions

Applications are accepting all year-round and no restrictions entered. International applicant follows the usual rules and at the moment they are free to submit documents online.;

7) Accommodation

Applicants after enrolling in the University are offered two main options regarding their accommodation – campus dorms and private hostels (which have agreement with University on providing accommodation to al-Farabi students). Campus dorms and out campus hostels have all of the necessary facilities to provide students good conditions for educational process.

8)  Any changes to entry requirements      
University has no changes to entry requirements and the list of the documents is available at the University

In case of problems with registration, please write to the email address: [email protected]

Education is provided in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. If the applicant does not know one of the languages, then automatically is enrolled in the preparatory faculty



Al-Farabi KazNU covers a wide spectrum of fundamental and applied research which are conducted at 8 research institutes, 29 centers, 2 National Level Labs and in Regional Technopark.

At the present time Al-Farabi KazNU is an intellectual corporation with a scientific and innovative infrastructure, meeting to advanced world analogues and consisting of 16 faculties, 8 research institutes, including the Center of Physico-Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis, the Science and Technology Park, and the National Nanotechnology Open Laboratory, more than 20 institutes and research centers of socio-humanitarian profile, the Business Incubator, the Commercialization Office and small innovative enterprises.

Having a well-developed scientific and innovative infrastructure, KazNU has achieved significant success in implementing the principle “from idea to commercialization of product”, requiring new development models from universities.

The university successfully operates the Cluster of engineering and high technologies, which includes the Science and Technology Park, the Center for Process Innovations and the Center for “Green Technologies”. One of the current areas of the cluster is an activity of the laboratory for creation of artificial satellites and design and launch of small satellites, the result of which was the launch of the Kazakh nanosatellites “Al-Farabi-1” and “Al-Farabi-2” into space, which were created on the basis of the university.

Together with the Scientific Research Institute of Aerospace Information of the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of China, the Center for Remote Sensing of the Earth with a virtual receiving station was created on the basis of KazNU for the first time in Kazakhstan, in order to carry out aerial and satellite surveys, spectrometry and hyperspectral imaging, etc.

The digital campus of KazNU is: an information and communication platform, with a developed transport communication highway for data transmission; a single entry point into a single information and educational environment for access to key information resources and services of a scientific and educational nature; integrated security system at the level of IT resources and IT infrastructure. The IT infrastructure of KazNU is a system of integrated and interconnected functioning of the University’s automated information technologies: data processing center (DPC); computer network topology "star with an intellectual center" (256 subnets); 100% coverage by wifi network; Information security system; server infrastructure clustering based on virtualization and cloud technologies; modernization of computing resources of computer classes based on modern cloud technologies; modernization of the computer equipment park, and technical and technological equipment of the classroom fund; corporate centralized system of corridor printing in the online / offline mode; situational monitoring center: intelligent video surveillance system and access control system; online video conferencing, distance learning systems, Global-classroom; University IP-TV and online broadcasting information content.


Student life

Today KazNU educates young people - the patriots of their country, who will determine the future of Kazakhstan tomorrow. The principle of social partnership is actively implemented in KazNU and it defines the self­regulating nature of the relationship among the team members. On the basis of this principle, the students, along with the faculty and university administration act as equal partners, participating in all university processes and sharing responsibility for the achievement of common goals.

As one of the mechanisms on partnership relations management, there are realized the most important documents at the university as  Code of Corporate Culture of the faculty and staff, code of honor of KazNU students, Regulating on KazNU teaching staff and students.

The University has a Committee of Youth Organizations, an association of all student organizations and interest clubs. The club forms of working with students allow channeling the energy of students in a positive direction. Such activity is widely used in the best universities in the world, and today is being promoted in KazNU. There are 250 students' clubs functioning at KazNU and more than half of the students of the university are actively involved in their work. These are patriotic clubs, professional and scientific clubs, amateur clubs, sports clubs, school leadership, social and educational ones.


The university considers successful employment of graduates as the main indicator of the efficiency of its educational activities. In order to ensure competitiveness and demand for KazNU graduates, the university encourages long-term multilateral cooperation with employers for maintaining the relevance of educational programs’ content to demands of the labor market; attracts practical trainers from employers’ community for conducting study sessions, including those taken on the base of external organizations, and for participation in final attestation of graduates.

To facilitate employment of graduates there is the Career and Professional Development Center, which ensures involvement of employers to conducting various events at the university with the aim of informing students and graduates of KazNU about opportunities for job placement and professional internships.

Faculties provide constant connection with the labor market through the Councils of Employers, formed of the faculty graduates. The faculty administration determines independently the authority and the activity plan for the Council of Employers, based on current and strategic goals of the faculty.

Students and graduates of the university have the opportunity to submit their CVs for consideration by potential employers, and to get information about available job proposals through the corporate "Youth and Career" portal.

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students

2,630 USD

International Students

2,630 USD

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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Rankings & ratings

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is one of the top public universities in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It is ranked #163 in QS World University Rankings 2025.

QS World University Rankings

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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University advanced Public High 5 no 2630 5538 L 2146