PhD in Physical Culture and Sport 36 months PHD Program By Al-Farabi Kazakh National University |Top Universities
Program Duration

36 monthsProgram duration



Main Subject Area

Anatomy and PhysiologyMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Anatomy and Physiology



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The purpose of the study program is high-quality training of highly qualified scientific personnel - PhDs in the specialty 8D014-“Physical Culture and Sport”, which allows graduates to subsequently successfully engage in scientific, educational, managerial and expert activities of firms, bodies of management of physical culture and sports; research institutions of physical culture, sports and biomedical profile, developing problems of physical and mental health, etc. The implementation of the educational program is aimed at shaping the personality of a specialist ready to provide the conditions for obtaining a full-fledged, high-quality professional education, professional competence in the field of physical culture and sports; to carry out independent scientific research and competence in formulating their own conclusions, the ability to contribute to the development of the latest scientific trends in physical culture and sports through original scientific research.
Upon completion of this OP, it is expected that doctors PhD will be able to: ON1. analyze and summarize information on the current problem of the theory and methodology of physical culture and be guided in the general laws of the functioning of physical culture to improve the activities of a teacher, researcher or trainer in the field of physical culture and sports;. ON2. demonstrate competence in the training of specialists of higher educational institutions and the activities of specialists in physical culture and sports;. ON3. to carry out an examination of scientific projects and research in the field of physical culture and sports, plan and predict their further professional development. ON4. choose and effectively use modern research methodology in the field of physical culture and sports ON5. transfer scientific information using modern information and innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports. ON6. use complex methods of control (pedagogical, physiological, psychological) for the effectiveness of training and management of the training process, preparedness of highly skilled students and athletes and people involved in physical culture and sports.the level of sports qualifications and use these features when planning training sessions in schools, sports schools and national teams in preparing for competitions. ON7. to professionally plan and organize mass sports and recreational events and sports competitions; conduct high-quality training and training sessions using research methods and modern innovative technologies ON8. critically analyze psychological phenomena in training and competition activities, plan and program the specific content of various forms of the psychological support system and practically implement the activities of the psychological support system. ON9. to evaluate the effects of physical exercises of varying intensity and bioenergy focus on body systems in individuals of different gender and level of athletic qualification in order to use this data when planning training sessions in physical culture at the university and in high-performance sports; ON10. to contribute through the original research on the scientific support of the educational process in physical culture in the higher educational institution and the training of athletes of different qualifications. ON11. to conduct a dialogue on problems in the field of physical culture, rehabilitation and scientific support for the training of athletes in top-level sports and to communicate their knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public .; ON12. work with scientific, scientific-methodical and reference books, with spreadsheets and databases obtained in the process of own experimental and other scientific studies of athletes;

Program overview

Main Subject

Anatomy and Physiology



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The purpose of the study program is high-quality training of highly qualified scientific personnel - PhDs in the specialty 8D014-“Physical Culture and Sport”, which allows graduates to subsequently successfully engage in scientific, educational, managerial and expert activities of firms, bodies of management of physical culture and sports; research institutions of physical culture, sports and biomedical profile, developing problems of physical and mental health, etc. The implementation of the educational program is aimed at shaping the personality of a specialist ready to provide the conditions for obtaining a full-fledged, high-quality professional education, professional competence in the field of physical culture and sports; to carry out independent scientific research and competence in formulating their own conclusions, the ability to contribute to the development of the latest scientific trends in physical culture and sports through original scientific research.
Upon completion of this OP, it is expected that doctors PhD will be able to: ON1. analyze and summarize information on the current problem of the theory and methodology of physical culture and be guided in the general laws of the functioning of physical culture to improve the activities of a teacher, researcher or trainer in the field of physical culture and sports;. ON2. demonstrate competence in the training of specialists of higher educational institutions and the activities of specialists in physical culture and sports;. ON3. to carry out an examination of scientific projects and research in the field of physical culture and sports, plan and predict their further professional development. ON4. choose and effectively use modern research methodology in the field of physical culture and sports ON5. transfer scientific information using modern information and innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports. ON6. use complex methods of control (pedagogical, physiological, psychological) for the effectiveness of training and management of the training process, preparedness of highly skilled students and athletes and people involved in physical culture and sports.the level of sports qualifications and use these features when planning training sessions in schools, sports schools and national teams in preparing for competitions. ON7. to professionally plan and organize mass sports and recreational events and sports competitions; conduct high-quality training and training sessions using research methods and modern innovative technologies ON8. critically analyze psychological phenomena in training and competition activities, plan and program the specific content of various forms of the psychological support system and practically implement the activities of the psychological support system. ON9. to evaluate the effects of physical exercises of varying intensity and bioenergy focus on body systems in individuals of different gender and level of athletic qualification in order to use this data when planning training sessions in physical culture at the university and in high-performance sports; ON10. to contribute through the original research on the scientific support of the educational process in physical culture in the higher educational institution and the training of athletes of different qualifications. ON11. to conduct a dialogue on problems in the field of physical culture, rehabilitation and scientific support for the training of athletes in top-level sports and to communicate their knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public .; ON12. work with scientific, scientific-methodical and reference books, with spreadsheets and databases obtained in the process of own experimental and other scientific studies of athletes;

Admission requirements

3 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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More programs from the university

Al Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) offers 134 bachelor degree programs at 16 faculties, which are among the leaders in the national subject ranking in Kazakhstan. Students can join undergraduate programs in a wide range of disciplines, from the sciences (chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics) through to humanities, law, IR, languages, and journalism. Students can also select from several joint double degree programs with the leading universities from around the world.   The university bachelor degree programs train students to be critical thinkers, well-rounded lifelong learners and future leaders in their specialties. Most of the undergraduate programs of KazNU are accredited by accrediting agencies such as ASIIN, FIBAA, AQ, and ACQUIN.

Undergraduate international students usually study for four years at the individual faculties. Undergraduate study at KazNU includes lectures, seminars and laboratory work carried out in university faculties and departments. KazNU has no quotas for international admissions and around 10 percent of applicants are international students and the number increases every year.

The international admission period runs during the summer for the current academic year. International applicants register at the dedicated website, and prospective students must pass foreign language test in advance.   The application process is broadly the same for international and national students, and the university accepts school qualifications from many different countries.

Tuition fees are currently set by the university at a very competitive level. The tuition fees do not include accommodation or board.

All students find themselves in an innovative educational environment and they have access to the specialized libraries and computer facilities including access to
KazNU’s super-computer as well as to the university technopark, business incubator and startup seed capital provided by the university, businesses and other entities in the country. Every year university students can study in the world’s leading universities within the framework of “Academic mobility” program or join international summer schools.

Al-Farabi KazNU offers 268 full master degrees and 140 full PhD wide range programs which help you facilitate your career progression. The University is the main Higher Education University in preparing masters’ and PhD students. During master degree programs students have a chance to take experience in International Summer Schools and Short Intensive Programs. They funded by Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan. PhD degree students must undergo 2 months international traineeship as a part of their studies. All PhD students can have one local and one international supervisor.

All postgraduate programs of KazNU accredited by Accrediting Degree Programs such as, ASIIN, FIBAA, AQA, ACQUIN. KazNU has drawn up double degree agreements with more than 20 universities and maintains partnerships with around 170 universities worldwide. KazNU embrace a wide range of interrelated disciplines and our programmes of study offer you a high degree of flexibility and choice as well as career relevance.  

Al Farabi KazNU actively involves postgraduate students to work on various innovative projects and programs, including projects conducted jointly with international organizations. For example, in summer 2018 Al Farabi KazNU established the Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development by signing MoU with 8 th UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon and plans to support research projects related to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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