Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering 48 months Undergraduate Program By Syracuse University |Top Universities

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

Engineering - MechanicalMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Engineering - Mechanical



Study Level


The program educational objectives of the aerospace engineering curriculum are to enable graduates of the program to do the following: - apply the physical, mathematical, and engineering sciences to professional practice or to advanced study in aerospace engineering or related fields; - be cognizant of societal context and ethical responsibility in professional practice; - function productively on teams and communicate ideas to both technical and non-technical audiences; and - be agile, innovative, and adaptable in an increasingly diverse and global environment. Opportunities for aerospace engineers will continue to expand within the military, civilian, and general aviation sectors spurred on by the development of new aircraft that extends to civilian supersonic aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles. This growth in aircraft demand (as well as the need for higher efficiencies, longer ranges, and lower cost aircraft) is being fueled by the increasing global demand for air travel in the international marketplace. Space exploration has also entered a period of increased activity that includes an increased exploitation of satellites to service the demand for global communication, the need for low-cost assured access to space, the international space station, and planetary missions. The technical focus of the B.S. program in aerospace engineering (AEE) is to develop a sound educational basis for the analysis and design of aerospace systems, with emphasis on the structure, aerodynamics, flight/orbital mechanics, and propulsion of aircraft and spacecraft systems. Aerospace engineering is a field constantly pushing the limits of technology. The B.S. AEE program stresses the fundamental physical, mathematical, and engineering principles that form the broadest base for future work in a fast-changing field. The B.S. AEE program is designed to prepare graduates for either immediate employment or for continuing studies at the graduate level. One distinguishing feature of the program is the opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in current research projects, which provide first-hand exposure both to advanced topics of current interest and to challenges typical of graduate school or industrial research. Research experiences for undergraduates are available in many areas, including fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, solid mechanics, and applications of high-performance computers.

Program overview

Main Subject

Engineering - Mechanical



Study Level


The program educational objectives of the aerospace engineering curriculum are to enable graduates of the program to do the following: - apply the physical, mathematical, and engineering sciences to professional practice or to advanced study in aerospace engineering or related fields; - be cognizant of societal context and ethical responsibility in professional practice; - function productively on teams and communicate ideas to both technical and non-technical audiences; and - be agile, innovative, and adaptable in an increasingly diverse and global environment. Opportunities for aerospace engineers will continue to expand within the military, civilian, and general aviation sectors spurred on by the development of new aircraft that extends to civilian supersonic aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles. This growth in aircraft demand (as well as the need for higher efficiencies, longer ranges, and lower cost aircraft) is being fueled by the increasing global demand for air travel in the international marketplace. Space exploration has also entered a period of increased activity that includes an increased exploitation of satellites to service the demand for global communication, the need for low-cost assured access to space, the international space station, and planetary missions. The technical focus of the B.S. program in aerospace engineering (AEE) is to develop a sound educational basis for the analysis and design of aerospace systems, with emphasis on the structure, aerodynamics, flight/orbital mechanics, and propulsion of aircraft and spacecraft systems. Aerospace engineering is a field constantly pushing the limits of technology. The B.S. AEE program stresses the fundamental physical, mathematical, and engineering principles that form the broadest base for future work in a fast-changing field. The B.S. AEE program is designed to prepare graduates for either immediate employment or for continuing studies at the graduate level. One distinguishing feature of the program is the opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in current research projects, which provide first-hand exposure both to advanced topics of current interest and to challenges typical of graduate school or industrial research. Research experiences for undergraduates are available in many areas, including fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, solid mechanics, and applications of high-performance computers.

Admission requirements

International Students will be considered based on the results of the PTE Academic for English proficiency if the score is 68 or higher.

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students


International Students


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How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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Syracuse University is an international research university that provides students with an outstanding education built on teaching excellence, rigorous scholarship, global engagement, and collaborative research that drives discovery and advances knowledge. In the 2016-17 academic year, University physicists were among the global consortium of scientists to detect, for the first time, both sound and light from the collision of two neutron stars in deep space. They also were among that same team whose historic discovery of gravitational waves a year earlier would make global headlines and earn team leaders a 2017 Nobel Prize. The University continues to expand opportunities for students to engage in these and other research collaborations and this year has worked to identify key focus areas for research that align with, and tap into, multiple areas of disciplinary strength. The University also has a long legacy of commitment to diversity and inclusion across multiple dimensions, with minority students currently making up about 25 percent of current enrollment and international students making up about 19 percent. Global literacy is a major piece of the academic experience, and we foster this by offering a wide range of learning, research, and immersion opportunities around the world and by mindfully working to promote interaction and engagement among our internationally diverse student body here on campus. In the last year, the University assembled an Internationalization Council to expand global scholarship and engagement opportunities for students both on and off campus, and to further enhance and support the international student experience at Syracuse. Today, nearly 45 percent of students study abroad at one of the University’s own centers in Beijing, Florence, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Santiago (Chile), and Strasbourg (France), or at other sites through partner organizations. Syracuse University also has long been a national leader in veteran-related programs and services, and it is building on that legacy with construction, now underway, of a National Veterans Resource Complex, scheduled to open in 2020. The University currently is home to such precedent-setting veterans’ initiatives as the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families—the first university-based institute in the U.S. focused on addressing unique issues and challenges affecting veterans and their families. Building on our longstanding strengths while evolving in light of emerging needs and opportunities, Syracuse continues to distinguish itself by offering multifaceted learning and research experiences that address urgent challenges and prepare students to make a difference in a constantly changing world.

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Syracuse University is committed to ensuring that all students receive an education built on teaching excellence, rigorous scholarship, global engagement, and collaborative research that drives discovery and advances solutions to complex challenges of the day. The University continues to implement key aspects of its Academic Strategic Plan, including an expanded focus on collaborative research, internationalization, experiential and entrepreneurial experiences, and veteran-related scholarship and programs. Recent initiatives to advance these strategic goals include formation of a University-wide Internationalization Council to foster global engagement both on and off campus and help ensure that upon graduation, all students have the skills, experiences, and cultural knowledge needed to live, work, and thrive in a deeply interconnected world. Students can engage in one-of-a-kind off-campus learning and immersion experiences at Syracuse University study abroad centers on three continents as well as in such major metropolitan hubs as New York City, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and Dubai. The University also continues to expand opportunities for collaborative research, particularly on issues and topics that align with, and tap into, multiple areas of disciplinary strength. Syracuse continues to strategically evolve in ways that meet emerging needs; generate substantive, innovative learning opportunities; and prepare students to thrive as they put their Syracuse education to work in a world that is constantly changing.

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