Latest Articles by Jade Alexander | Topuniversities

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8 years 6 months

Jade is a pescatarian, a violinist in the UWaterloo orchestra, and in a Catholic Christian Rock Band. She's currently on co-op, doing an internship in a chemical plant where she has to wear steel-toed shoes. she never thought she'd have to wear the shoes her dad wears, or be part of a real band. Her lifelong bucket list includes playing alongside Bruno Mars and/or Adele and being on a gameshow.

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Engineering - General
Engineering - Chemical
Performing Arts
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Jade Alexander
2 Articles . 107 Shares

Jade is a pescatarian, a violinist in the UWaterloo orchestra, and in a Catholic Christian Rock Band. She's currently on co-op, doing an internship in a chemical plant where she has to wear steel-toed shoes. she never thought she'd have to wear the shoes her dad wears, or be part of a real band. Her lifelong bucket list includes playing alongside Bruno Mars and/or Adele and being on a gameshow.

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