B.S. in Mathematics 48 months Undergraduate Program By Indiana State University |Top Universities

B.S. in Mathematics

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

MathematicsMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


The fascinating discipline of mathematics is the purest of all art forms and the most challenging of games. Mathematics and mathematical thinking are central to all of our technological advances. Mathematicians have an opportunity to make a lasting contribution to society by helping to solve economic, scientific, engineering, physics, and business problems. Students who are interested in this exciting and important field should investigate the mathematics major. The degree program in mathematics provides students with a thorough and strong knowledge of basic theoretical mathematics, and initial training in applied areas such as statistics, analysis, combinatory, and actuarial science. Relatively modest class sizes give students the chance to work one-on-one with our highly talented and dedicated faculty. At the same time students have opportunities for field and research experiences. Opportunities are available for undergraduate research in mathematics, and students are encouraged to seek internships, available at companies throughout the Midwest, to add hands-on experience to their coursework. In addition, students from the department provide help in mathematics to area students in local community center settings. Mathematics majors benefit from the department’s state-of-the-art computer classrooms and laboratories, including a Unix/Linux microcomputer laboratory that is available for student use. Many mathematics majors are able to obtain tutoring positions in the Math and Writing Center. Students majoring in mathematics can join and participate in the student chapter of the honorary mathematics fraternity, Pi Mu Epsilon. With more than 100 highly accessible student organizations on campus, each student's experience at Indiana State University abounds with student leadership opportunities that complement their studies. Careers Graduates are prepared for fascinating jobs in industry and the service sector where analytical thinking skills are essential or for high-paying jobs in statistics, actuarial sciences, mathematical modeling, or cryptography. Major employers of mathematicians include the National Security Agency, Department of Defense, and other agencies in federal and state governments and private-sector employers such as the airline industry, computer industry, pharmaceutical industry, research and testing services, educational services, security and commodity exchanges, management and public relations services, finance, insurance, and public utilities. A strong background in mathematics is also necessary for research in many areas of computer science, social science, and engineering. Students also may choose to go on to graduate school, leading to a research career in mathematics, statistics, computer science, applied mathematics, and related fields.

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


The fascinating discipline of mathematics is the purest of all art forms and the most challenging of games. Mathematics and mathematical thinking are central to all of our technological advances. Mathematicians have an opportunity to make a lasting contribution to society by helping to solve economic, scientific, engineering, physics, and business problems. Students who are interested in this exciting and important field should investigate the mathematics major. The degree program in mathematics provides students with a thorough and strong knowledge of basic theoretical mathematics, and initial training in applied areas such as statistics, analysis, combinatory, and actuarial science. Relatively modest class sizes give students the chance to work one-on-one with our highly talented and dedicated faculty. At the same time students have opportunities for field and research experiences. Opportunities are available for undergraduate research in mathematics, and students are encouraged to seek internships, available at companies throughout the Midwest, to add hands-on experience to their coursework. In addition, students from the department provide help in mathematics to area students in local community center settings. Mathematics majors benefit from the department’s state-of-the-art computer classrooms and laboratories, including a Unix/Linux microcomputer laboratory that is available for student use. Many mathematics majors are able to obtain tutoring positions in the Math and Writing Center. Students majoring in mathematics can join and participate in the student chapter of the honorary mathematics fraternity, Pi Mu Epsilon. With more than 100 highly accessible student organizations on campus, each student's experience at Indiana State University abounds with student leadership opportunities that complement their studies. Careers Graduates are prepared for fascinating jobs in industry and the service sector where analytical thinking skills are essential or for high-paying jobs in statistics, actuarial sciences, mathematical modeling, or cryptography. Major employers of mathematicians include the National Security Agency, Department of Defense, and other agencies in federal and state governments and private-sector employers such as the airline industry, computer industry, pharmaceutical industry, research and testing services, educational services, security and commodity exchanges, management and public relations services, finance, insurance, and public utilities. A strong background in mathematics is also necessary for research in many areas of computer science, social science, and engineering. Students also may choose to go on to graduate school, leading to a research career in mathematics, statistics, computer science, applied mathematics, and related fields.

Admission requirements


Tuition fee and scholarships

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