Latest Articles by Francisco Peres | Topuniversities

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10 years 4 months
Francisco is the Head of Copy, Content and Creativity at Uniplaces, an online marketplace for booking student accommodation. He grew up in Porto, Portugal and has lived in England, Thailand and Mozambique. He swears he’s lost belongings in all the continents of the world. He loves the sea, books and winding roads, but also has a soft spot for coffee and long conversations. He’s really thankful the world is as large as it is.
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Francisco Peres
1 Articles . 165 Shares
Francisco is the Head of Copy, Content and Creativity at Uniplaces, an online marketplace for booking student accommodation. He grew up in Porto, Portugal and has lived in England, Thailand and Mozambique. He swears he’s lost belongings in all the continents of the world. He loves the sea, books and winding roads, but also has a soft spot for coffee and long conversations. He’s really thankful the world is as large as it is.

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