Latest Articles by Dasha Karzunina | Topuniversities

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Originally Russian, Dasha studied at the University of Nottingham. During her degree in maths and philosophy, she fell in love with university life and was soon involved in student politics. She took on various roles of responsibility within the student theatre, student media groups, sports teams and student democratic structures. Her passion for higher education and student interests led to her representing students full-time for a year and then gaining a role within QS as International Research Liaison.

Dasha is a keen linguist, a runner and a theatre enthusiast. She believes in the power of words and excellent presentation and takes every opportunity to travel. Her ambition is to empower the world by ensuring more people have access to high quality education.

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Dasha Karzunina
2 Articles . 166 Shares

Originally Russian, Dasha studied at the University of Nottingham. During her degree in maths and philosophy, she fell in love with university life and was soon involved in student politics. She took on various roles of responsibility within the student theatre, student media groups, sports teams and student democratic structures. Her passion for higher education and student interests led to her representing students full-time for a year and then gaining a role within QS as International Research Liaison.

Dasha is a keen linguist, a runner and a theatre enthusiast. She believes in the power of words and excellent presentation and takes every opportunity to travel. Her ambition is to empower the world by ensuring more people have access to high quality education.

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