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University of Liverpool
Knowledge Centre Campus (Liverpool City Centre Campus)), Liverpool United Kingdom
# =165QS World University Rankings
412Undergrad. & Postgrad. Programmes
33 % International students
About University of Liverpool
The University of Liverpool is a remarkable place, combining academic excellence with the attributes of our famous home maritime city: a spirit of creativity, welcoming to all, and committed to social responsibility.
Established in 1881, we are the original ‘redbrick’ university – a phrase inspired by our distinctive redbrick Victoria Building. This spirit of originality shapes everything we do; ideas are born here that transform industries and travel the globe, touching and improving millions of lives as they go.
Our founding mission - ‘for the advancement of learning and ennoblement of life’ reflects our belief in the transformative power of research and education. And our Gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework highlights our commitment to world-class teaching and learning. Employability is embedded throughout our programmes, and our graduates enjoy high employability rates.
With over 30,000 students and 280,000 alumni across over 170 countries, our diverse, multicultural community makes us a home for all kinds of ambitions and all kinds of achievements. Alumni include nine Nobel prize winners, the first female poet laureate and the first female Director General of MI5, alongside those who have led the way in fields from nuclear disarmament to the life cycle of malarial parasites.
Today we have hundreds of international research collaborations. spanning diverse subject matter across our three faculties – Health and Life Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Science and Engineering. Through interdisciplinary research we are driving breakthroughs in developing new materials with large-scale applications in both industry and consumer products, enhancing the personalisation of health management, and progressing the battle against infectious diseases. In addition, we are cultivating a deeper understanding of the past and helping to create a more prosperous, fair and healthier world for everyone.
Our main campus sits at the top of Brownlow Hill, just a ten-minute walk from Liverpool’s vibrant city centre and at the heart of the Knowledge Quarter. The University helps drive the city’s knowledge economy through close collaboration with fellow universities, industry and the NHS, helping the Liverpool City Region compete in the global business world.
Our digital research is enabling the transformation of society and industry through the generation, communication and application of data. Opened in 2022, the Digital Innovation Facility brings together leading scientists and engineers to deliver high impact industrial innovation.Our Materials Innovation Factory draws together world-leading research and technologies to provide a stimulating environment for the exchange of ideas to accelerate the delivery of real world solutions.
Like Liverpool itself, we march to the beat of our own drum. And we encourage our students and staff to do the same. Leading by example, we foster creativity, independence and courage. We open our doors wide, and make sure everyone can express their true character here, whoever they are and wherever they come from. Because when they do, they make our learning environment richer, and our whole University stronger.
Find out more about life at the University of Liverpool via our social media channels, including X/Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
About University of Liverpool
The University of Liverpool is a remarkable place, combining academic excellence with the attributes of our famous home maritime city: a spirit of creativity, welcoming to all, and committed to social responsibility.
Established in 1881, we are the original ‘redbrick’ university – a phrase inspired by our distinctive redbrick Victoria Building. This spirit of originality shapes everything we do; ideas are born here that transform industries and travel the globe, touching and improving millions of lives as they go.
Our founding mission - ‘for the advancement of learning and ennoblement of life’ reflects our belief in the transformative power of research and education. And our Gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework highlights our commitment to world-class teaching and learning. Employability is embedded throughout our programmes, and our graduates enjoy high employability rates.
With over 30,000 students and 280,000 alumni across over 170 countries, our diverse, multicultural community makes us a home for all kinds of ambitions and all kinds of achievements. Alumni include nine Nobel prize winners, the first female poet laureate and the first female Director General of MI5, alongside those who have led the way in fields from nuclear disarmament to the life cycle of malarial parasites.
Today we have hundreds of international research collaborations. spanning diverse subject matter across our three faculties – Health and Life Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Science and Engineering. Through interdisciplinary research we are driving breakthroughs in developing new materials with large-scale applications in both industry and consumer products, enhancing the personalisation of health management, and progressing the battle against infectious diseases. In addition, we are cultivating a deeper understanding of the past and helping to create a more prosperous, fair and healthier world for everyone.
Our main campus sits at the top of Brownlow Hill, just a ten-minute walk from Liverpool’s vibrant city centre and at the heart of the Knowledge Quarter. The University helps drive the city’s knowledge economy through close collaboration with fellow universities, industry and the NHS, helping the Liverpool City Region compete in the global business world.
Our digital research is enabling the transformation of society and industry through the generation, communication and application of data. Opened in 2022, the Digital Innovation Facility brings together leading scientists and engineers to deliver high impact industrial innovation.Our Materials Innovation Factory draws together world-leading research and technologies to provide a stimulating environment for the exchange of ideas to accelerate the delivery of real world solutions.
Like Liverpool itself, we march to the beat of our own drum. And we encourage our students and staff to do the same. Leading by example, we foster creativity, independence and courage. We open our doors wide, and make sure everyone can express their true character here, whoever they are and wherever they come from. Because when they do, they make our learning environment richer, and our whole University stronger.
Find out more about life at the University of Liverpool via our social media channels, including X/Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Available programmes
Request an undergraduate prospectus
Management School (14)
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons)
Accounting and Finance with a Year in Industry BA (Hons)
Business Economics BA (Hons)
Business Economics with a Year in Industry BA (Hons)
Business Management BA (Hons)
Business Management with a Year in Industry BA (Hons)
Economics BSc (Hons)
Economics with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
Finance and Data Analytics BSc (Hons)
Finance and Data Analytics with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
French BA (Hons)
International Business BA (Hons)
International Business with a Year in Industry BA (Hons)
Marketing BA (Hons)
Marketing with a Year in Industry BA (Hons)
Politics and International Business BA (Joint Hons)
School of Architecture (14)
Architecture (Design Studies) BA
Architecture BA (Hons)
Master of Architecture MArch
School of Dentistry (14)
Dental Surgery BDS
Dental Therapy BSc (Hons)
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science (14)
Avionic Systems BEng (Hons)
Avionic Systems MEng (Hons)
Avionic Systems with Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Avionic Systems with a Year Abroad BEng
Avionic Systems with a Year Abroad MEng
Computer Science BSc (Hons)
Computer Science BSc (Hons) (Foundation) (4 year route with Carmel College)
Computer Science MEng
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering MEng (Hons)
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering with Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Computer Science with Software Development BSc (Hons)
Computer Science with Software Development with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
Computer Science with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
Computer Science with a Year in Industry MEng (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year Abroad BEng (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year Abroad MEng
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng
Financial Computing BSc (Hons)
Financial Computing with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
Mathematics and Computer Science BSc (Joint Honours)
Mathematics and Computer Science with a Year in Industry BSc (Joint Honours)
Mechatronics and Robotic Systems BEng (Hons)
Mechatronics and Robotic Systems MEng (Hons)
Mechatronics and Robotic Systems with Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Mechatronics and Robotic Systems with Year in Industry MEng
School of Engineering (14)
Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons)
Aerospace Engineering MEng (Hons)
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies BEng (Hons)
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies MEng
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies with a Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies with a Year in Industry MEng
Aerospace Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Aerospace Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng
Architectural Engineering BEng (Hons)
Architectural Engineering MEng (Hons)
Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)
Civil Engineering MEng
Civil Engineering with Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Civil Engineering with Year in Industry MEng
Civil and Structural Engineering MEng
Engineering BEng (Hons)
Engineering Foundation (4 year route including a Foundation Year at Carmel College) BEng (Hons)
Engineering MEng
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering MEng
Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng
Product Design Engineering BEng (Hons)
Product Design Engineering MEng
Product Design Engineering with Year in Industry BEng (Hons)
Product Design Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng
School of Environmental Sciences (14)
Climate Science BSc (Hons)
Earth Sciences (4 year route including a Foundation Year at Carmel College) BSc (Hons)
Environment and Planning BA (Hons)
Environmental Geoscience BSc (Hons)
Environmental Science BSc (Hons)
Geography (4 year route including a foundation year at Carmel College) BSc (Hons)
Geography BA (Hons)
Geography BSc (Hons)
Geography BSc (Hons) (4 year route including a Foundation Year at Carmel College)
Geography and Oceanography BSc (Hons)
Geography and Planning BA (Hons)
Geology BSc (Hons)
Geology MESci
Geology and Geophysics MESci
Geology and Physical Geography BSc (Hons)
Geophysics (Geology) BSc (Hons)
Marine Biology BSc (Hons)
Marine Biology with Oceanography BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Ocean and Climate Sciences BSc (Hons)
Ocean Sciences BSc (Hons)
Ocean Sciences MOSci (Hons)
Town and Regional Planning MPlan
Urban Planning BA (Hons)
School of Health Sciences (14)
Diagnostic Radiography BSc (Hons)
Nursing BN (Hons)
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)
Orthoptics BSc (Hons)
Physiotherapy BSc (Hons)
Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology BSc (Hons)
School of Histories, Languages and Cultures (14)
Ancient History BA (Hons)
Archaeology BA (Hons)
Archaeology BSc (Hons)
Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations BA (Hons)
Evolutionary Anthropology BSc (Hons)
German BA (Hons)
Hispanic Studies BA (Hons)
History BA (Hons)
International Relations BA (Hons)
Irish Studies BA (Hons)
Italian BA (Hons)
Modern Languages (Triple Subject) BA (Hons)
Politics BA (Hons)
School of Law and Social Justice (14)
Criminology BA (Hons)
Criminology with Social Policy BA (Hons)
Criminology with Sociology BA (Hons)
Law LLB (Hons)
Law with Business LLB (Hons)
Law with Criminology LLB (Hons)
Law with Philosophy LLB (Hons)
Law with Politics LLB (Hons)
Law with a Year Abroad LLB (Hons)
Sociology BA (Hons)
Sociology with Criminology BA (Hons)
Sociology with Social Policy BA (Hons)
School of Life Sciences (14)
Anatomy and Human Biology BSc (Hons)
Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
Biochemistry MBiol
Biological Sciences (with a Foundation Year) leading to BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences MBiol
Bioveterinary Science BSc (Hons)
School of Medicine (14)
Medicine and Surgery MBChB
Pharmacology BSc (Hons)
Physics with Medical Applications BSc (Hons)
Physics with Medical Applications with a Year Abroad BSc
Psychology BSc (Hons)
Psychology BSc (Hons) (2+2 programme with Foundation Element)
Psychology MPsycholSci
School of Physical Sciences (14)
Actuarial Mathematics BSc (Hons)
Actuarial Mathematics with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
Astrophysics MPhys
Astrophysics with a Year Abroad MPhys
Chemical Sciences BSc (Hons) (4 year route including a Foundation Year at Carmel College)
Chemistry BSc (Hons)
Chemistry MChem
Chemistry with Research in Industry MChem
Chemistry with a Year Abroad BSc
Chemistry with a Year Abroad MChem
Chemistry with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
Mathematical Physics MMath
Mathematical Physics with a Year Abroad MMath
Mathematical Sciences BSc (Hons) (Foundation, 4 year route with Carmel College) BSc (Hons)
Mathematics BSc (Hons)
Mathematics MMath
Mathematics and Economics BSc (Hons)
Mathematics and Statistics BSc (Hons)
Mathematics and Statistics with Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Finance with Year Abroad BSc
Mathematics with Languages BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons)
Medicinal Chemistry with Pharmacology MChem
Physical Sciences entry route leading to BSc (Hons) (4 year route including a Foundation Year at Carmel College)
Physics BSc (Hons)
Physics MPhys
Physics and Mathematics BSc (Joint Hons)
Physics and Mathematics with Year Abroad BSc
Physics with Astronomy BSc (Hons)
Physics with Nuclear Science BSc (Hons)
Physics with Nuclear Science with a Year Abroad BSc
Physics with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
Physics with a Year Abroad MPhys
Theoretical Physics MPhys
Theoretical Physics with a Year Abroad MPhys
School of Veterinary (14)
Veterinary Conservation Medicine BSc
Veterinary Science BVSc
Zoology BSc (Hons)
Zoology MBiol
School of the Arts (14)
Classical Studies BA (Hons)
Classics BA (Hons)
Communication and Media BA (Hons)
Communication and Media and Game Design Studies BA (Hons)
Communication and Media with a Year in Industry BA (Hons)
Communication, Media and Politics BA (Hons)
Egyptology BA (Hons)
English BA (Hons)
English Language BA (Hons)
English Literature BA (Hons)
English Literature with Drama Studies BA (Hons)
English with World Literature BA (Hons)
Film Studies BA (Hons)
Game Design BSc (Hons)
Mathematics and Music Technology BSc (Hons)
Mathematics and Philosophy BA (Joint Hons)
Media and Culture BA (Hons)
Media, Data and Society BA (Hons)
Music BA (Hons)
Music and Popular Music BA (Hons)
Music and Technology BA (Hons)
Philosophy BA (Hons)
Philosophy and Politics BA (Hons)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA (Hons)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics with a Year in Industry BA (Hons)
Popular Music BA (Hons)
Screen Industries and Entertainment BA (Hons)
Management School (14)
AI for Digital Business MSc
Accounting and Finance MSc
Advanced Marketing MSc
Business Analytics and Big Data MSc
Data Science for Economics MSc
Data Science for Health (Conversion) MSc
Digital Marketing and Analytics MSc
Economic Policy and Data Analytics MSc
Economics MSc
Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc
Finance MSc
Finance and Investment Management MSc
Financial Technology MSc
Green Finance and Sustainability Accounting MSc
Human Resource Management and Strategic Organisation MSc
International Business MSc
International Relations and Security MA
MSc Sports Business and Management
Marketing MSc
Master in Management MIM
Money and Banking MSc
Occupational and Organisational Psychology MSc
Operations and Supply Chain Management MSc
Organisational Psychology MSc
Project Management MSc
Sports Business and Management MSc
Sustainable Business MSc
Tourism Marketing and Analytics MSc
Others (14)
Economics and Finance MSc
Precision Medicine MSc
Sports Business and Analytics MSc
Sports Business and Analytics MSc
Tourism Marketing and Analytics MSc
School of Architecture (14)
Advanced Architecture MA
Building Information Modelling and Digital Transformation MSc
Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability in Architecture MSc
Digital Chemistry: AI, Machine Learning, Automation and Robotics
Sustainable Heritage Management MA
School of Dentistry (14)
Endodontics DDSc
Paediatric Dentistry DDSc
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science (14)
Advanced Computer Science MSc
Advanced Computer Science with a Year in Industry MSc
Advanced Data Science and Artificial Intelligence MSc
Advanced Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with a Year in Industry MSc
Artificial Intelligence MSc
Computer Science MSc
Cyber Security MSc
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence MSc
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with a Year in Industry MSc
Energy and Power Systems MSc (Eng)
Energy and Power Systems with a Year in Industry MSc (Eng)
Microelectronic Systems MSc (Eng)
Microelectronic Systems with a Year in Industry MSc (Eng)
Telecommunications and Wireless Systems MSc (Eng)
Telecommunications and Wireless Systems with a Year in Industry MSc (Eng)
Theoretical Computer Science MSc
Theoretical Computer Science with a Year in Industry MSc
School of Engineering (14)
Advanced Aerospace Engineering MSc (Eng)
Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology MSc (Eng)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc (Eng)
Biomedical Engineering (Healthcare) MSc (Eng)
Biomedical Engineering MSc (Eng)
Biomedical Engineering with Management (Healthcare) MSc (Eng)
Biomedical Engineering with Management MSc (Eng)
Engineering Management MSc (Eng)
Mechanical Engineering Design with Management MSc (Eng)
Mechanical Engineering with Management MSc (Eng)
Product Design and Management MSc (Eng)
Sustainable Civil and Structural Engineering MSc (Eng)
School of Environmental Sciences (14)
Environment and Climate Change MSc
Environmental Assessment and Management MSc
Environmental Sciences MSc
Geographic Data Science MSc
Housing and Community Planning MA
Researching Crisis and Change in Human Geography MA
Sustainable Urban Planning MA
Town and Regional Planning MCD
Urban Design and Planning MCD
School of Health Sciences (14)
Archives MRes
Data Science and Analytics for Health MSc
Data Science for Health MRes
Data Science for Health MRes
Master of Public Health (Global Health Pathway) MPH
Master of Public Health (Global Health Pathway) MPH
Nursing MSc
School of Histories, Languages and Cultures (14)
Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Archaeology MA
Archaeology MRes
Archaeology MSc
Archives and Records Management (International Pathway) MARMI
Archives and Records Management (International Pathway) MARMI (Part-Time)
Archives and Records Management MARM
Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting MA
Classics and Ancient History MA
Education MA
Egyptology MA
History MRes
History: Cultural History MA
History: Eighteenth-Century Worlds MA
History: Medieval and Renaissance Studies MA
History: Twentieth-Century History MA
Human Biology
Human Biology
International Slavery Studies MA
Irish Studies MRes
Palaeoanthropology MRes
Palaeoanthropology MRes
Public Administration and Policy MA
Public Administration and Policy MA
School of Law and Social Justice (14)
Criminological Research MRes
Criminology and Criminal Justice MA
Criminology and Criminal Justice MA
International Business and Commercial Law LLM
International Human Rights Law LLM
LLM (General) LLM
Law, Medicine and Healthcare LLM
Social Research MRes
Social Research Methods MA
School of Life Sciences (14)
Advanced Biological Sciences MRes
Advanced Bioscience Techniques and Research Facility Management MSc
Bioinformatics MSc
Biological and Biomedical Sciences MRes
Biotechnology MSc
Cancer Biology and Therapy MSc
Clinical Sciences MSc
Clinical and Health Psychology MSc
Drug Discovery with Artificial Intelligence MSc
Emerging Infections and Pandemics MSc
Global Change Ecology and Evolution MSc
Infection and Immunity MSc
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics MSc
Pharmacology and Toxicology MSc
Planetary and One Health MSc
Drug Discovery with Artificial Intelligence MSc
School of Medicine (14)
Healthcare Leadership MSc
Investigative and Forensic Psychology MSc
Master of Public Health MPH
Mental Health Psychology MSc
Palliative and End of Life Care MSc
Research Methods in Psychology MSc
School of Physical Sciences (14)
Applied Statistics and Data Science MSc
Mathematical Sciences MSc
Radiometrics: Instrumentation and Modelling MSc
School of the Arts (14)
Communication and Media MRes
Data Science and Communication MSc
Global Media and Politics MA
Media, Data and Society MA
Music Industry Studies MA
Philosophy (Public Policy)
Philosophy (Public Policy) (Part-Time)
Philosophy MA
Screen Studies MA
Strategic Communication MSc
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA
Visual Culture MA
Full-Time MBA (2)
Football Industries MBA
MBA (The Liverpool MBA) on campus MBA
Online/Distance MBA (2)
MBA Online
Master of Business Administration (Online Football Industries)
Management School (11)
Accounting and Finance PhD
Business Administration (Executive Doctorate) / DBA
Economics PhD
School of Architecture (11)
Architecture PhD / MPhil
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science (11)
Computer Science PhD / MPhil
Electrical Engineering and Electronics PhD / MPhil
School of Engineering (11)
Engineering PhD / MPhil
School of Environmental Sciences (11)
Earth Sciences PhD / MPhil
Environmental Science PhD / MPhil
Geography PhD / MPhil
School of Health Sciences (11)
Applied Health Research PhD / MPhil / MD
Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology (PhD’s by the department) PhD / MPhil
Biological Sciences (Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour) PhD / MPhil
Biological Sciences (Functional and Comparative Genomics) PhD / MPhil
Biomedical Imaging and Biosensing PhD / MPhil / MD
Biostatistics PhD / MPhil / MD
Child Health PhD / MPhil / MD
Clinical Psychology PhD / MPhil
Critical Care PhD / MPhil / MD
Dental Sciences PhD / MPhil
Epidemiology and Population Health PhD / MPhil / MD
Food Security PhD / MPhil
Gastroenterology PhD / MPhil / MD
Professional Doctorate in Health DProfHealth
School of Histories, Languages and Cultures (11)
Archaeology PhD / MPhil
Archives and Records Management PhD / MPhil
Classics and Ancient History PhD / MPhil
Comparative Literature PhD
Egyptology PhD / MPhil
Film Studies PhD
French PhD
German PhD
School of Life Sciences (11)
Cancer Biology PhD / MPhil / MD
Cellular and Molecular Physiology PhD / MPhil / MD
School of Medicine (11)
Cancer Medicine PhD / MPhil / MD
Cell Biology PhD / MPhil / MD
Eye and Vision Sciences PhD / MPhil / MD
School of Physical Sciences (11)
Chemistry PhD / MPhil
School of the Arts (11)
Communication and Media PhD / MPhil
Creative Writing PhD
English PhD / MPhil
University information
The University of Liverpool is situated on a single compact campus, around 10 minutes' walk from the city centre. Academic facilities include:
Two University libraries: the arts and humanities focused Sydney Jones library and the science, engineering and life sciences focused Harold Cohen libraries. Both are open 24 hours a day during term time and provide a range of study spaces suitable for group study as well as quiet spaces and spaces for individual study. The library offers specialist subject support, Special Collections and Archives, over 2 million print books and extensive online collections of over 900,000 eBooks and eJournals. The library operates a "Get it for me" service under which students can request any resource and the library will try to source it for them.
IT services: Students have access to 24/7 IT support, including a self-service portal to help with any IT issue or query. A dedicated knowledge base is home to hundreds of how-to guides and videos to help students resolve their IT queries autonomously. There are over 2,000 computers available for use on campus and remotely, with highspeed Wi-Fi available throughout all buildings. The University offers a range of free software to install on personal devices, including the latest versions of Microsoft Office and specialist programmes such as SPSS and Matlab. As well as this, dedicated mobile apps allow students to access timetables and coursework on the go.
Student life
The city of Liverpool is such an important part of all of our students' time at Liverpool, and our campus is conveniently located just 10 minutes walk from the city centre. Liverpool offers a famously friendly welcome (we were voted 4th friendliest city in the world by Rough Guides), and with a vibrant cultural and social offering, plenty of green spaces and fresh air, a fantastic array of restaurants and nightlife, and plenty of both independent and big name shopping choice, it's not surprising we we also voted 7th best city in the world by Time Out in 2023. We have more galleries and museums than any UK city outside of London, and the city is a multicultural and outward looking place to be. It's also conveniently located, within easy access of Liverpool and Manchester airports, close to the beautiful countryside of the Lake District, North Wales and Peak District, and all just over 2 hours by train from London.
Culture is a big part of the city of Liverpool, but it's also a big deal on campus, with the Tung Auditorium in the Yoko Ono Lennon Centre hosting a varied programme of musical events throughout the year, many of which are free, and our very own Victoria Gallery and Museum, housed in the iconic redbrick Victoria Building.
Our on-campus Sport and Fitness Centre offers a 25 metre swimming pool, sports halls, squash courts, dance and spinning studios, bouldering wall and brand new climbing wall, gym with specialist strength and conditioning facilities) and weight training area. Organised group exercise classes to suit all levels of ability, with personal training sessions available. There is also a gym and sports facilities at Greenbank Student Village. Sports pitches and training facilities are located at our Wyncote Sports Ground, approximately 3 miles from campus. Getting active is a lifestyle at Liverpool and there's plenty to do for free on campus too, with a running track, a container gym, and a half basketball court.
Located in the heart of campus, our Guild of Students (Liverpool's name for the Students' Union), is home to over 200 societies, provides advice and guidance on a wide range of topics, and enables students to get involved in volunteering projects across the city - or just to try something new. It's a place to relax between lectures and meet friends, and to enjoy a varied programme of evening entertainment including some big name music acts. It's also a place to have your voice heard. Led by a team of student officers - elected by a campus-wide vote - the Guild acts as an independent voice that speaks up for the things that matter the most to our students.
Tuition fee and scholarships
One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.
In this guide you will find:
Where to look for scholarship opportunities
How to apply to scholarships relevant to you
A list of available scholarships around the world
A scholarship application checklist
Rankings & ratings
University of Liverpool is one of the top public universities in Liverpool, United Kingdom. It is ranked #=165 in QS World University Rankings 2025.
QS World University Rankings
QS WUR Ranking By Subject
QS Sustainability Ranking
Europe University Rankings - Northern Europe
QS World University Rankings
University of Liverpool
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