Doctoral program in Artificial Intelligence 36 months PHD Program By Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) |Top Universities
Subject Ranking

# =88QS Subject Rankings

Program Duration

36 monthsProgram duration


2,001 EURTuition Fee/year



Program overview

Main Subject

Computer Science and Information Systems



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

As of today, the doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence is the only doctoral programme in Catalonia focusing exclusively on artificial intelligence.• The development of computing and its pervasiveness in all areas of society represent fundamental elements for understanding the socioeconomic progress of the second half of the 20th century. Particularly in recent years, artificial intelligence, due to its multidisciplinary nature, in addition to driving scientific and technological advancement in all fields of science, engineering and many other disciplines, has enabled the efficient and effective deciphering of scientific and social data, which has been critical to shaping our understanding of the world around us, living beings, mankind and society in general. Artificial intelligence is now present in nearly all domains of advanced society. Specifically, the financial, industrial, service, public administration, health care, communications, education and research and innovation sectors cannot be conceived without artificial intelligence playing a critical role in the systems that control them.• The programme’s sphere of influence is Catalonia. As such it looks to attract Catalan students, though the Department also admits students from other parts of Spain and foreign countries. In Catalonia, and in particular, the metropolitan area surrounding Barcelona, industry and services have developed extensively. The financial, insurance, SME, consulting, education and research sectors here are key to the development of the country as a whole. And, as has already been mentioned, artificial intelligence is necessary in all of these fields. Consequently, educating and training well qualified AI researchers has undoubtedly become a strategic factor for growth.• The doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence was the first of its kind in Catalonia (1985), and for many years, it was the only one to exist. Since then, artificial intelligence has seen exponential growth and has been the starting point for many lines of research and products that have made their way to the general public, whether in American, Japan or Europe, where a significant number of Framework Programmes have been dedicated to financing projects that have artificial intelligence as a major element. In Catalonia in particular, the UPC’s doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence has been vital to the creation of a thriving and growing scientific community. Some of the most important public and private research centres in Europe were founded by research graduates from our programme. Various spin-offs (e.g., ISOCO, 3SCALE, Intelligent Pharma and Sisltech) have been created as the result of one or more doctoral theses. Additionally, the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA) is one of the most important in Europe.• The doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence stands out in Europe thanks to the research quality and output produced by its members, who participate in research projects financed with funds from the EU, Spain or other Spanish organisations and companies. Special mention should be given to the coordination of and participation in research projects involved with the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes (Share-it, Laboranova, Contract, Agencities.RTD, Alive, Superhub, etc.). At the UPC there are three established groups that have been acclaimed by the Government of Catalonia and another by the university itself. These groups are directly related to the programme, ensuring that it remains dynamic and maintains the scientific standards needed to keep it in such high standing. Additionally, as has been previously mentioned, these groups are very active when it comes to obtaining financing through EU calls, which ensures they have continuous contact with national and European businesses and a high level of internationalisation. Furthermore, other groups at the UPC regularly send students to study in the programme. The same is true with students from other universities, such as the URV and the CSIC’s Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.• The UPC’s doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence was given the Quality Award in 2003 (MCD2003-00129), which was renewed in the following years: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Among other recent accolades, it is worth noting that some of the programme’s theses have received awards:• Two recent doctoral theses presented in the programme were given the Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award (in 2010 and 2003). This is the only programme in all of Spain that has been given such distinctions. In Europe, there are two other examples: the doctoral programmes in artificial intelligence at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the J. Stefan Institute in Ljubljana.• Furthermore, some of the programme’s distinguished former students include five ECCAI Fellows. Ours is one of the programmes that has produced the most Fellows in Europe. They are: Prof. Carlos Sierra (IIIA-CSIC), Enric Plaza (1) (IIIA-CSIC), Vicenç Torra (IIIA-CSIC), Pedro Messeguer (IIIA-CSIC) and Lluís Godó (IIIA-CSIC)• Another of the programme’s theses was given the Best Thesis Award 2009 by the European Association for Machine Translation.• Another was given the Joan Lluís Vives Prize 2003, the Barcelona City Research Prize 2003 and the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize by the UPC for the 2003-2004 academic year.• Another was given the Chihuahua Research Prize 2002, by the state of Chihuahua, Mexico.The doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence falls into the field of information and communication technology (ICT), as does the research work carried out in the programme, and this represents one of the primary areas of research at the UPC. The education and training provided in the programme is intended to respond to one of the challenges posed by Catalonia’s 2010-2013 Research and Innovation Plan: Excellent and cutting-edge research and technology (see section 8, page 13). It is also intended to respond to the objectives of area 1—production of scientific and technological knowledge and competencies—of the National Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation Plan 2008-2011 (PN I+D+I).From a technical and scientific point of view, some of the programme’s lines of research contribute to tackling other challenges included in Catalonia’s Research and Innovation Plan:• Efficient flows of people and goods (sustainable mobility) and of information. The programme covers lines dealing with flows of information related to the accessibility and management of information, particularly in the contexts of algorithmics and programming.

Program overview

Main Subject

Computer Science and Information Systems



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

As of today, the doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence is the only doctoral programme in Catalonia focusing exclusively on artificial intelligence.• The development of computing and its pervasiveness in all areas of society represent fundamental elements for understanding the socioeconomic progress of the second half of the 20th century. Particularly in recent years, artificial intelligence, due to its multidisciplinary nature, in addition to driving scientific and technological advancement in all fields of science, engineering and many other disciplines, has enabled the efficient and effective deciphering of scientific and social data, which has been critical to shaping our understanding of the world around us, living beings, mankind and society in general. Artificial intelligence is now present in nearly all domains of advanced society. Specifically, the financial, industrial, service, public administration, health care, communications, education and research and innovation sectors cannot be conceived without artificial intelligence playing a critical role in the systems that control them.• The programme’s sphere of influence is Catalonia. As such it looks to attract Catalan students, though the Department also admits students from other parts of Spain and foreign countries. In Catalonia, and in particular, the metropolitan area surrounding Barcelona, industry and services have developed extensively. The financial, insurance, SME, consulting, education and research sectors here are key to the development of the country as a whole. And, as has already been mentioned, artificial intelligence is necessary in all of these fields. Consequently, educating and training well qualified AI researchers has undoubtedly become a strategic factor for growth.• The doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence was the first of its kind in Catalonia (1985), and for many years, it was the only one to exist. Since then, artificial intelligence has seen exponential growth and has been the starting point for many lines of research and products that have made their way to the general public, whether in American, Japan or Europe, where a significant number of Framework Programmes have been dedicated to financing projects that have artificial intelligence as a major element. In Catalonia in particular, the UPC’s doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence has been vital to the creation of a thriving and growing scientific community. Some of the most important public and private research centres in Europe were founded by research graduates from our programme. Various spin-offs (e.g., ISOCO, 3SCALE, Intelligent Pharma and Sisltech) have been created as the result of one or more doctoral theses. Additionally, the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA) is one of the most important in Europe.• The doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence stands out in Europe thanks to the research quality and output produced by its members, who participate in research projects financed with funds from the EU, Spain or other Spanish organisations and companies. Special mention should be given to the coordination of and participation in research projects involved with the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes (Share-it, Laboranova, Contract, Agencities.RTD, Alive, Superhub, etc.). At the UPC there are three established groups that have been acclaimed by the Government of Catalonia and another by the university itself. These groups are directly related to the programme, ensuring that it remains dynamic and maintains the scientific standards needed to keep it in such high standing. Additionally, as has been previously mentioned, these groups are very active when it comes to obtaining financing through EU calls, which ensures they have continuous contact with national and European businesses and a high level of internationalisation. Furthermore, other groups at the UPC regularly send students to study in the programme. The same is true with students from other universities, such as the URV and the CSIC’s Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.• The UPC’s doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence was given the Quality Award in 2003 (MCD2003-00129), which was renewed in the following years: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Among other recent accolades, it is worth noting that some of the programme’s theses have received awards:• Two recent doctoral theses presented in the programme were given the Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award (in 2010 and 2003). This is the only programme in all of Spain that has been given such distinctions. In Europe, there are two other examples: the doctoral programmes in artificial intelligence at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the J. Stefan Institute in Ljubljana.• Furthermore, some of the programme’s distinguished former students include five ECCAI Fellows. Ours is one of the programmes that has produced the most Fellows in Europe. They are: Prof. Carlos Sierra (IIIA-CSIC), Enric Plaza (1) (IIIA-CSIC), Vicenç Torra (IIIA-CSIC), Pedro Messeguer (IIIA-CSIC) and Lluís Godó (IIIA-CSIC)• Another of the programme’s theses was given the Best Thesis Award 2009 by the European Association for Machine Translation.• Another was given the Joan Lluís Vives Prize 2003, the Barcelona City Research Prize 2003 and the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize by the UPC for the 2003-2004 academic year.• Another was given the Chihuahua Research Prize 2002, by the state of Chihuahua, Mexico.The doctoral programme in Artificial Intelligence falls into the field of information and communication technology (ICT), as does the research work carried out in the programme, and this represents one of the primary areas of research at the UPC. The education and training provided in the programme is intended to respond to one of the challenges posed by Catalonia’s 2010-2013 Research and Innovation Plan: Excellent and cutting-edge research and technology (see section 8, page 13). It is also intended to respond to the objectives of area 1—production of scientific and technological knowledge and competencies—of the National Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation Plan 2008-2011 (PN I+D+I).From a technical and scientific point of view, some of the programme’s lines of research contribute to tackling other challenges included in Catalonia’s Research and Innovation Plan:• Efficient flows of people and goods (sustainable mobility) and of information. The programme covers lines dealing with flows of information related to the accessibility and management of information, particularly in the contexts of algorithmics and programming.

Admission requirements


Applicants must hold a Spanish bachelor’s degree or equivalent and a Spanish master’s degree or equivalent, provided they have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits on the two degrees (Royal Decree 43/2015, of 2 February(open in new window))

In addition, the following may apply:

  • Holders of an official degree awarded by a university in Spain or any other country in the European Higher Education Area, pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which establishes official university course regulations, who have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits on official university degrees, of which at least 60 must be at the master's degree level.
  • Holders of an official Spanish bachelor’s degree comprising at least 300 credits, as provided for by EU regulations. Holder of degrees of this kind must complete bridging courses unless the curriculum of the bachelor’s degree in question included research training credits equivalent in value to those which would be earned on a master's degree.
  • Holders of an official university qualification who, having passed the entrance examination for specialised medical training, have completed at least two years of a training course leading to an official degree in a health-sciences specialisation.
  • Holders of a degree issued under a foreign education system. In these cases, homologation is not required, but the UPC must verify that the degree certifies a level of training equivalent to an official Spanish master's degree and qualifies the holder for admission to doctoral studies in the country where it was issued. Admission on this basis does not imply homologation of the foreign degree or its recognition for any purpose other than admission to doctoral studies.
  • Holders of a Spanish doctoral qualification issued under previous university regulations.
  • Note 1: Doctoral studies entrance regulations for holders of an undergraduate degree awarded before the introduction of the EHEA (CG 47/02 2014)

3 Years
  • Candidates are required to submit references or letter(s) of recommendation for acceptance
  • Candidates are required to submit an essay(s) for acceptance

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students

2,001 EUR

International Students

2,001 EUR

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A list of available scholarships around the world


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More programs from the university

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech is a public institution of Higher Education and Research.

UPC offers 66  bachelor’s degrees (some 100% taught in English) in the knowledge areas:

Aerospace Engineering  

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering  

Applied Sciences: Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Optics and Photonics

Architecture and Urban Planning

Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering

Computer Science

Engineering for Industry: Energy, Biomedical, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering  

Naval, Maritime and Nautical Engineering

Telecommunications and Electronic Systems Engineering

All of them are official Spanish degrees that allows the access to master's  and doctoral programmes .

30,275 students are trained to become professionals in engineering, architecture, sciences and technology who have the knowledge, abilities and skill to take on new challenges in keeping with technological efficiency and sustainability criteria.

Student’s participation and leadership in research projects and work placements foster their relations with the world of work and bolster their autonomy and initiative. The University is therefore a space for knowledge that stimulates learning and personal growth with a dynamic, motivating teaching model.

In the 2021 edition of QS World University ranking by Subject, the UPC is ranked 20th in the world in Architecture and 29th in Civil and Structural Engineering. It is also among the world’s top 50 universities in Telecommunications, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and among the world's top 100 universities in the field of Engineering and Technology and in the subjects of Computer Science, and Mechanical, Aeronautical and Industrial Engineering. It is the first Spanish University in Engineering and Technology and in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Telecommunications, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Computer Science.

The  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, specialised in the areas of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology offers 81  master’s degrees , 34 of them taught fully in English.

UPC is the Spanish university with the highest number of international university students. Last year, the 55% doctoral students were international (79% of them non EU).

As a leading member of international networks of excellence, the UPC has a relationship with global organisations. As a result, it’s at an advantage when it comes to attracting international talent.

Its offers 45  doctoral programmes in five research areas:

Architecture, Urbanism and Construction

Civil Engineering

Industrial Engineering

Information and Communications Technologies Engineering


UPC also participate in Erasmus Mundus programme . This programmes shared between at least three European universities that have the support of the European Union. Erasmus Mundus are part of a cooperation and mobility programme for European higher education that aims to improve its quality and promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures by means of cooperation with third countries.

In the 2021 edition of QS World University ranking by Subject, the UPC is ranked 20th in the world in Architecture and 29th in Civil and Structural Engineering. It is also among the world’s top 50 universities in Telecommunications, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and among the world's top 100 universities in the field of Engineering and Technology and in the subjects of Computer Science, and Mechanical, Aeronautical and Industrial Engineering. It is the first Spanish University in Engineering and Technology and in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Telecommunications, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Computer Science.

PHD programs 103