Bachelor of Arts in Sociology 48 months Undergraduate Program By San Francisco State University |Top Universities

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

SociologyMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


The Sociology major is an impacted program, which means there are more students interested in the major than can be accommodated. Therefore, admission to the major is a selective and competitive process. The application period occurs once a year starting October 1 and ending November 30 for admission to the major for the following fall semester. Students interested in applying to the major are advised to complete ENG 214 (or equivalent) and any two sociology courses, earning grades of C or higher. Transfer students and first time freshmen should follow SF State's online application process. Transfer students should indicate Sociology as their first choice of major and first-time freshmen should indicate "undeclared with an interest in sociology". Students who are already enrolled at SF State should bring a completed Change of Major form and a copy of their academic advising audits to the Sociology Department office in HSS 370. ll courses numbered 300 and above require upper-division standing and completion of G.E. Areas A and B4 (formerly Segment I) or equivalent. SOC 370, SOC 371 and SOC 392 require passing SOC 300GW. Students are allowed to take one course toward the major as credit/no credit (CR/NC). This course cannot be used as one of the Required Courses or to satisfy Areas 1 and 2. Students are also allowed to count 3 - 4 upper-division units outside sociology toward the major upon approval of a departmental advisor. A total of 12 lower-division units, including SOC 105, SOC 110, SOC 200, SOC 245 and those courses taken at community colleges, automatically apply toward the 23 - 24 units of electives required for the degree. A total of 30 Sociology units must be upper-division. University regulation requires 12 units toward the major must be completed in residence. Program Scope: Sociology examines the social aspects and dimensions of most everything human beings do in the realm of politics, economics, culture, technology, relationships, and identity. Studying sociology provides students critical and reflexive perspectives with which to understand the world. It pushes students to develop the analytical, research, and compositional skills necessary to investigate, understand, analyze, explain, and improve the world around them. Courses cover a broad range of topics including: the study of individuals as social actors; the analysis of social processes such as social interaction and deviance and conformity; the study of institutions such as law, family, media, popular culture, medicine, education, and religion; and the investigation of the social organization of entire societies in the global context. The department offers a variety of courses of interest to non-majors as well as to majors. Career Outlook: Upon completion of a B.A. in Sociology, students can continue their education with graduate work in either sociology or in some related field such as social work, public administration, or law. For students who choose to pursue employment with their bachelor's degree, sociology provides an excellent liberal arts foundation for a range of career paths that utilize their sociological insights as well as the conceptual and methodological skills they have acquired. Training in sociology can open a variety of doors in human services and in business. Those who enter human services may work with youths at risk, the elderly, or people experiencing problems related to poverty, substance abuse, or the justice system. Some find employment in agencies that work for social change including various organizations concerned with human rights issues or the environment. Sociology majors who enter the business world work in sales, marketing, customer relations, or human resources.

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


The Sociology major is an impacted program, which means there are more students interested in the major than can be accommodated. Therefore, admission to the major is a selective and competitive process. The application period occurs once a year starting October 1 and ending November 30 for admission to the major for the following fall semester. Students interested in applying to the major are advised to complete ENG 214 (or equivalent) and any two sociology courses, earning grades of C or higher. Transfer students and first time freshmen should follow SF State's online application process. Transfer students should indicate Sociology as their first choice of major and first-time freshmen should indicate "undeclared with an interest in sociology". Students who are already enrolled at SF State should bring a completed Change of Major form and a copy of their academic advising audits to the Sociology Department office in HSS 370. ll courses numbered 300 and above require upper-division standing and completion of G.E. Areas A and B4 (formerly Segment I) or equivalent. SOC 370, SOC 371 and SOC 392 require passing SOC 300GW. Students are allowed to take one course toward the major as credit/no credit (CR/NC). This course cannot be used as one of the Required Courses or to satisfy Areas 1 and 2. Students are also allowed to count 3 - 4 upper-division units outside sociology toward the major upon approval of a departmental advisor. A total of 12 lower-division units, including SOC 105, SOC 110, SOC 200, SOC 245 and those courses taken at community colleges, automatically apply toward the 23 - 24 units of electives required for the degree. A total of 30 Sociology units must be upper-division. University regulation requires 12 units toward the major must be completed in residence. Program Scope: Sociology examines the social aspects and dimensions of most everything human beings do in the realm of politics, economics, culture, technology, relationships, and identity. Studying sociology provides students critical and reflexive perspectives with which to understand the world. It pushes students to develop the analytical, research, and compositional skills necessary to investigate, understand, analyze, explain, and improve the world around them. Courses cover a broad range of topics including: the study of individuals as social actors; the analysis of social processes such as social interaction and deviance and conformity; the study of institutions such as law, family, media, popular culture, medicine, education, and religion; and the investigation of the social organization of entire societies in the global context. The department offers a variety of courses of interest to non-majors as well as to majors. Career Outlook: Upon completion of a B.A. in Sociology, students can continue their education with graduate work in either sociology or in some related field such as social work, public administration, or law. For students who choose to pursue employment with their bachelor's degree, sociology provides an excellent liberal arts foundation for a range of career paths that utilize their sociological insights as well as the conceptual and methodological skills they have acquired. Training in sociology can open a variety of doors in human services and in business. Those who enter human services may work with youths at risk, the elderly, or people experiencing problems related to poverty, substance abuse, or the justice system. Some find employment in agencies that work for social change including various organizations concerned with human rights issues or the environment. Sociology majors who enter the business world work in sales, marketing, customer relations, or human resources.

Admission Requirements


Tuition Fee and Scholarships

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