Bachelor of Science in Education - Physical Education and Sport 48 months Undergraduate Program By Cleveland State University |Top Universities

Bachelor of Science in Education - Physical Education and Sport

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

Sports-related CoursesMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Sports-related Courses



Study Level


The Physical Education and Sport Major, with Multi-Age Licensure in Health Education and Physical Education, is a 138-credit undergraduate program. The program includes all requirements to be endorsed for two Resident Educator multi-age licenses from the Ohio Department of Education in the areas of Health Education and Physical Education. These licenses are valid for teaching learners from grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12 in the content areas of Health and Physical Education. Undergraduates who wish to pursue this program must satisfy all admission and retention requirements for the College of Education and Human Services. Licensure requirements for both content areas are integrated as part of the degree requirements; students do not have the option to pursue stand-alone single licensure in either physical education or health education. Students in this program complete 39 credits of general education requirements and 99 credit hours of major requirements. Major courses include a 5-semester sequence of field work of rotations and internships beginning in the spring of sophomore year. Each rotation and internship involves the integration of lecture and field work components. Endorsement for licensure requires successful completion of all program requirements, the submission of a satisfactory culminating portfolio, acceptable scores on all applicable state licensure examinations mandated by the State Board of Education, and the completion of a current criminal background check. GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life; ENG 100 - Intensive College Writing or ENG 101 - College Writing I, ENG 102 - College Writing II, Mathematics or QL (MTH 116 - Foundations of Quantitative Literacy Recommended), Second Mathematics or QL (MTH 117 - Mathematical Applications in the Real World Recommended), BIO 266 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I and BIO 267 Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I, BIO 268 - Human Anatomy & Physiology IIand BIO 269 Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory II, PSY 220 - Child Development, Social Science Course (non PSY/non US), DAN 201 - Introduction To Dance, Second Arts & Humanities (non DAN/non US), EDC 300 - Diversity In Educational Settings, African American Course.

Program overview

Main Subject

Sports-related Courses



Study Level


The Physical Education and Sport Major, with Multi-Age Licensure in Health Education and Physical Education, is a 138-credit undergraduate program. The program includes all requirements to be endorsed for two Resident Educator multi-age licenses from the Ohio Department of Education in the areas of Health Education and Physical Education. These licenses are valid for teaching learners from grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12 in the content areas of Health and Physical Education. Undergraduates who wish to pursue this program must satisfy all admission and retention requirements for the College of Education and Human Services. Licensure requirements for both content areas are integrated as part of the degree requirements; students do not have the option to pursue stand-alone single licensure in either physical education or health education. Students in this program complete 39 credits of general education requirements and 99 credit hours of major requirements. Major courses include a 5-semester sequence of field work of rotations and internships beginning in the spring of sophomore year. Each rotation and internship involves the integration of lecture and field work components. Endorsement for licensure requires successful completion of all program requirements, the submission of a satisfactory culminating portfolio, acceptable scores on all applicable state licensure examinations mandated by the State Board of Education, and the completion of a current criminal background check. GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES: ASC 101 - Introduction to University Life; ENG 100 - Intensive College Writing or ENG 101 - College Writing I, ENG 102 - College Writing II, Mathematics or QL (MTH 116 - Foundations of Quantitative Literacy Recommended), Second Mathematics or QL (MTH 117 - Mathematical Applications in the Real World Recommended), BIO 266 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I and BIO 267 Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I, BIO 268 - Human Anatomy & Physiology IIand BIO 269 Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory II, PSY 220 - Child Development, Social Science Course (non PSY/non US), DAN 201 - Introduction To Dance, Second Arts & Humanities (non DAN/non US), EDC 300 - Diversity In Educational Settings, African American Course.

Admission requirements


Tuition fee and scholarships

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