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Modern Biotechnologies in Animal Production
Miklukho-Maklaya Str. 6, Moscow, RU, Moscow, Russia
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One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.
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A list of available scholarships around the world
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RUDN is a classical international university that provides a range of training courses in all areas, including natural science, technical, medical, agricultural and humanitarian fields at 7 faculties and 10 institutes. The university employs 3000 teachers, including 2000 with academic degrees. The RUDN faculty includes both researchers and successful practitioners from various areas.
RUDN offers 117 unique courses for bachelors. Students of all specialties have an opportunity to obtain the diploma in translation on one or more of 12 foreign languages being offered. The learning system allows the student to build up individual learning paths.The international students willing to study in Russia are offered the pre-university training course (running since 1960) of the Russian language and general education disciplines.
RUDN unique methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language have been implemented successfully all over the world. RUDN teachers have been teaching Russian to foreign astronauts since 1978. Apart from traditional formats, different interactive activities, such as video classes, webinars, workshops, business role-playing, and work with electronic platforms (MOODLE) are aptly used. To make the education process more effective RUDN has launched an educational web portal, research library website, and RUDN official website in six foreign languages, which is a single point of access to more than 40 university web resources on the Internet. Wi-Fi network is available for students’ use from mobile devices in all University buildings.
Distant forms of education, including massive open online courses (MOOC) are also widely in use. All students have an opportunity to do internships and traineeships at the leading Russian and international companies that are RUDN partners. The employers are actively engaged in designing education and internship programmes. The high level of student mobility is a RUDN distinctive feature. We offer the students an opportunity to enroll on an exchange program (more than 250 partner universities). The high quality of education, foreign languages mastery, research skills, personal contacts, and extensive professional relationships provide fertile ground to start a career around the world.
Arts and Humanities (4)
Linguistics: Theory and Methods of Foreign Languages and Cultures Teaching
Linguistics: Theory and Methods of Foreign Languages and Cultures Teaching
Natural Sciences (4)
Others (4)
Accounting and Audit
Advertising and Public Relations
Arts and humanities
Cars with Hybrid Engines
Ecology and Environmental Management
Economics of the Enterprise
Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnologies
Engineering and Technological Support of Machine-Building Production
General Management
General Medicine
Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of solid mineral deposits
Hotel Business
Human Resource Management
Information Technologies in Control
Innovation Management in Engineering Business
International Relationships
International law
Land use Management and Cadasters
Landscape Architecture
Languages and Intercultural Communication - Regional Studies – European Studies
Languages and Intercultural Communication – Linguistics
Linguistics: Theory and Methods of Foreign Languages and Cultures Teaching
Linguistics: Translation and Translation Studies
Logistics of Road Transport
Mathematical Methods of Mechanics of Launch Rockets and Spacecraft Flight
Modern Internal Combustion Engines
Oil and Gas Geology
Political Science
Project Analysis and Modeling in Economics
Psychology of Education
Regional Studies (Arab Middle East Studies)
Regional Studies (China Studies)
Regional Studies (Russia and the CIS Studies)
Regional studies - European studies
Service Maintenance of Transport and Technological Machines
State and Municipal Management
Steam and Gas Turbine Units and Engines
The International System of Quality Control in the Food Industry
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise
World Economy
Social Sciences and Management (4)
Languages and Intercultural Communication - Regional Studies – European Studies
Languages and Intercultural Communication – Linguistics
Languages and Intercultural Communication – Linguistics
Political Science
Political Science
State and Municipal Management
State and Municipal Management
RUDN University successfully combines studies, research, creative self-realisation and career opportunities for students from 152 countries of the world. RUDN offers 220 Master's programmes, with 25 English-taught courses; 148 PhD programmes in natural sciences, engineering and technological sciences, life science, medicine, humanities and social sciences.
RUDN has developed one of the country’s largest third tier education systems where over 3 thousand students take PhD, postdoc, medical residency and internship courses; 33 dissertation boards handle more than 70 scientific specialties. RUDN is proud of its scientific schools that are recognised both in Russia and abroad. Priority research areas include chemistry, mathematics, and medicine. Intensively developing areas incorporate IT and nanotechnologies, biomedicine and pharmacy, ecology and environmental management, organization and management of space activities.
Given the RUDN specificity, the focus is put on such University traditional areas as Russian as a foreign language, methods of teaching Russian culture in a multicultural environment, and foreign languages. To enhance the international scientific relations the University enjoys the potential of already existing and new educational programmes drawn up in cooperation with foreign partner institutions, the above courses are enriched by joint research programmes. In addition to the above RUDN’s cooperation with industrial enterprises and business entities is one more trend of the university activities.
RUDN engages major corporate partners, Russian, foreign and international employers to train students and employ graduates; to design educational programmes, and to run practice-oriented courses at RUDN partners’ premises, as well.
One of the University’s primary objectives is to involve graduates and PhD students in research. Over 250 agreements reached with universities and research centers worldwide make it possible for the students to engage in exchange programmes and study on double diploma programmes. RUDN enjoys an atmosphere of optimism and cooperation, where the renowned scholars and students from many countries can work together on their research projects, sharing knowledge, expertise and ideas.
Arts and Humanities (5)
International Protection of Human Rights (Taught)
Landscape Architecture (Extramural) (Taught)
Landscape Architecture (Taught)
Regional Studies: Еuropean Studies (Taught)
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (in English) (Taught)
Business and Management (5)
International Business (in English) (Taught)
International Marketing (Taught)
International Projects Management (Taught)
The Real Estate Economics in Agroindustrial Complex (in English) (Taught)
Natural Sciences (5)
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (Taught)
Economics of natural resources management (Environmental economics) (Taught)
Environmental Management (within the Network University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization) (Taught)
Management of the Environment and Natural Resources (Taught)
Organic Farming (Taught)
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Taught)
Others (5)
Accounting. Internal Control and Audit
Administrative Law; Administrative Procedure
Advertising and Public Relations
Agricultural Production (Agroprocessing)
Allergology and Immunology
Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
Applied International Journalism (in English)
Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology
Biochemistry: Molecular Mechanisms of Tumors
Biological Methods of Environmental Control
Building Designs, Buildings and Constructions: the Theory of Buildings and Structures
Business Communication Management
Cardiovascular Surgery
Cellular Biology, Cytology, Histology
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
Civil Law, Family Law, Business Law Private International Law
Civil Law; Business (Corporate) Law; Family Law; Private International Law
Civil Procedure; Arbitration Procedure
Civil process, arbitration process
Clinical Immunology and Allergology
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR)
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR) - International Business Communication
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR) - Trilingual International Relations. Joint Programme with the Roman Catholic University of Lille, France
Communication Theory and Simultaneous Interpretation
Comparative and Historical, Contrastive and Typological Linguistics: Typology and Language Classification
Constitutional Law; Constitutional Litigation
Constitutional law, municipal law
Corporate lawyer
Creative Industries and Management in the Field of Culture
Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal and Penal Law
Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics
Criminal Law, Criminology, Criminalistics (CIS Network University)
Criminal Procedure
Criminalistics; Judicial and Expert Activity; Operational Investigations
Cultural Heritage: Research and Management (with the University of the Balearic Islands)
Cultural heritage: Study and Management (with the University of the Balearic Islands)
Dental Surgery
Diagnostics of Illnesses and Therapy of Animals, Pathalogy, Oncology and Morphology of Animals
Ear, Nose and Throat Illnesses
Earth sciences. Ecology: Modern environmental studies
Economics of natural resources management (Environmental economics)
Energy law
Environmental Management
Environmental Management (within the Network University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization)
Exercise Therapy and Sports Medicine
Expertise of ecological safety of environmental management
Eye Diseases
Finance Law, Tax Law, Budgetary Law
Foreign Economic Activity
Forensic Examination
Forensic Expert Activities in Law Enforcement
Forensic Medicine
Functional Diagnostics
Functional Methods in Differential Equations and Interdisciplinary Research
General Education (History of Education, Education’s Interaction with Social Relations and the Socio-Cultural Environment)
General Medical Practice (Family Medicine)
General Practice Dentistry
General Psychology (Psychological Problems of Conversation and Communication)
Genetics: Molecular Basis of Human Hereditary Diseases
Germanic Studies (General and Individual Trends in the Development of Germanic Language)
Global Security and Development Cooperation
Healthcare Management and Public Health
Historical Sciences and Archeology
History and Dialogue of Culture
History of Russia in XIX – early XXI century
Human Anatomy
Infectious Diseases
Information Law
Innovative Technology and Nanotechnology in Medicine, Pharmaceutics and Biotechnology
Innovative technologies in oil and gas prospecting and exploration
Innovative technologies in prospecting and exploration of solid minerals
Integrative Technologies in Practical Psychology
Intercultural Communication in Tourism
Internal Diseases
Internal Diseases: Heart Failure
International Business (in English)
International Institutions and Political Processes
International Journalism
International Law
International Law. European Law
International Management
International Marketing
International Private Law
International Projects Management
International Relations
International law (CIS network university)
International protection of human rights
Judicial Activities, Prosecutorial Activities, Human Rights and Law Enforcement
Judicial power, public prosecutor 's supervision, organization of law enforcement, lawyers and notaries
Knowledge and values: transformations in changing world
Laboratory Genetics
Labour Law; Social Security Law
Land use Management and Cadasters
Landscape Architecture
Legal Sciences: Contemporary International Law
Legal Support and Counselling of Local Self-government Bodies
Legal Support for the Activities of non-profit non-governmental Organizations
Legal Translation аnd Interpreting
Linguistic Typology, Historical and Comparative Linguistics (Comparison and Matching of Languages in Diachrony and Synchrony)
Literature Studies
Management Consulting in Agro-industrial Complex
Management Psychology
Management of the Environment and Natural Resources
Mathematical Biology, Bioinformatics
Maxillofacial Surgery
Modern Biotechnologies in Animal Production
Modern Internal Combustion Engines
Modern International Journalism
Modern Trends of History of Russia and China: Comparative Approach (with the Shandong University)
Municipal Law
Nanotechnologies and Microsystems Engineering
Nervous Diseases
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Operation and Technical Expertise of Motor Vehicles
Operation of Automotive Transport
Organic Chemistry: Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
Organic Farming
Organization of Pharmaceutical Business
Organization of Pharmaceutical Business: Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Organization of information production
Orthopedic Dentistry
Pathological Anatomy
Pathological Physiology: Pathogenetic Mechanisms of Contemporary Diseases
Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Surgery
Personnel management in a cross-cultural environment
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy
Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion Studies
Philosophy: Dialogue of Cultures (with the Shandong University)
Physical Training and Sports
Planning and Development of Tourism
Planning and Development of Tourism at the State Level
Planning and Management of Urban Development (Municipal Development)
Plant Protection: Plant Protection Systemic Technology
Plastic Surgery
Political Institutes, Processes and Technologies
Political Problems of the Globalized World
Political Problems of the Globalized World (with the Shandong University)
Political Science (with the Pierre Mendes France University)
Political Science and Regional Studies
Political Science: Russian and Comparative Studies
Psycho-Pedagogical Principles of Organizational and Managerial Activities
Psychological Сounseling
Public Administration (with the Pierre Mendes France University)
Public Administration (with the University of Potsdam)
Public Health and Healthcare
Public economic law
Recycling of Production and Consumption Wastes
Regional Studies (China Studies)
Regional Studies (Middle East Studies)
Regional Studies (Russia and the CIS Studies)
Regional Studies within USCO Framework
Regional Studies: Еuropean Studies
Restorative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Exercise Therapy, Balneology and Physiotherapy
Romance Studies (Historical Development of Dialects in Romance Languages)
Russia-Europe: Languages and Culture (with the University of Bordeaux Michel Montaigne)
Russian as a foreign language
Skin and Venereal Diseases
Social Hygiene and Organization of State Sanitary Epidemiological Service
Social Processes and Social Management
Social Psychology
Socially Significant Infectious Diseases
Socio-medical Expertise
Sociology of Management
Sociology of Management and Social Management (with the Shandong University)
Sociology of management and social management joint program with Shandong University, China
State and Municipal Management
Steam, Gas Turbine Units and Engines
Technologies and Equipment for Mechanical and Physicotechnical Processing
Technology of Automated Machine-Building
The Political Problems of European Integration (with the Institute of Political Studies of the University of Bordeaux)
The Real Estate Economics in Agroindustrial Complex
The Real Estate Economics in Agroindustrial Complex (in English)
The organization and legal regulation of public procurement
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (in English)
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Theory and History of Law and State, History of law and State Doctrine
Theory and History of State and Law; Comparative Legal Research
Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (Foreign Languages) (Intercultural Communication; Intralinguodidactics)
Theory of Language and Discourse Analysis
Theory, Methodology and Methods of Sociology: History and Contemporaneity
Therapeutic Dentistry
Thermal Engines
Translation and Interpreting for Public Services and Institutions
Traumatology and Orthopedics
Turbomachines and Combined Turbine Units
Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise
World Policy: Conceptual Frameworks and Intercultural Interaction (with the Madrid University of Complutense)
World Politics (with the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
World Politics: Conceptual Foundations and Intercultural Interaction
World Politics: Conceptual Frameworks and Intercultural Interaction (with the CIS Networking University)
World Politics: Global Politics: Globalization and Conflicts (with the Beijing University of Foreign Languages)
World history and mass communications
X-ray Endovascular Diagnostics and Treatment
X-ray Radiography
Social Sciences and Management (5)
Applied International Journalism (in English) (Taught)
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR) (Taught)
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR) (Taught)
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR) - International Business Communication (Taught)
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR) - International Business Communication (Taught)
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR) - Trilingual International Relations (Taught)
Communication Theory and International Public Relations (PR) - Trilingual International Relations (Taught)
Communication Theory and Simultaneous Interpretation (Taught)
Communication Theory and Simultaneous Interpretation (Taught)
Global Security and Development Cooperation (Taught)
International Private Law (Taught)
International Relations (Taught)
Legal Translation аnd Interpreting (Taught)
Political Institutes, Processes and Technologies (Taught)
Political Problems of the Globalized World (Taught)
Political Problems of the Globalized World (with the Shandong University) (Taught)
Political Science (with the Pierre Mendes France University) (Taught)
Public Administration (with the Pierre Mendes France University) (Taught)
Public Administration (with the University of Potsdam) (Taught)
Translation and Interpreting for Public Services and Institutions (Taught)