Ph. D. in Educational Innovation (DEE) 48 months PHD Program By Tecnológico de Monterrey |Top Universities
Subject Ranking

# =65QS Subject Rankings

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration



Main Subject Area

Education and TrainingMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Education and Training



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

Ph. D. in Educational Innovation

The Doctorate in Educational Innovation is based on the formation of individuals capable of contributing, by means of research, towards theoretical-practical knowledge of education; equally to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of educational projects with the goal of innovating and carrying out positive change in organizations. Through this program students will develop capacity for self-learning, creative and critical thinking, collaborative work, and the ability to effectively express themselves in writing and orally.
The aim of the PhD in Educational Innovation comprises:

  • The preparation of individuals who are capable of contributing, through research, to the theo- retical-practical knowledge  of  education;  and of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of educational projects, seeking to innovate and achieve positive change in organizations.
  • The preparation of leaders and agents of change who examine today’s society, from individual, organizational, systemic and social perspecti- ves, in order to examine, define, reformulate, plan and facilitate the process of educational change.

Program overview

Main Subject

Education and Training



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

Ph. D. in Educational Innovation

The Doctorate in Educational Innovation is based on the formation of individuals capable of contributing, by means of research, towards theoretical-practical knowledge of education; equally to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of educational projects with the goal of innovating and carrying out positive change in organizations. Through this program students will develop capacity for self-learning, creative and critical thinking, collaborative work, and the ability to effectively express themselves in writing and orally.
The aim of the PhD in Educational Innovation comprises:

  • The preparation of individuals who are capable of contributing, through research, to the theo- retical-practical knowledge  of  education;  and of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of educational projects, seeking to innovate and achieve positive change in organizations.
  • The preparation of leaders and agents of change who examine today’s society, from individual, organizational, systemic and social perspecti- ves, in order to examine, define, reformulate, plan and facilitate the process of educational change.

Admission Requirements


Target Audience

This program’s target audience consists of graduate level academics who are interested in a career as researchers in a public or private higher education institution and/or educational or social science research centers, and, to a lesser degree, as educational managers in higher education institutions that require administrators who hold a doctoral degree. At present, and at least in the immediate future (the next 50 years), the number of professors with a doctorate in the area of education that Mexico and other Latin American countries will need simply to assure the minimum accreditation of institutions that offer graduate programs in education is so vast that the demand is more than 15 times greater than the supply. If all the current doctoral programs in education were to accept students at full capacity, the institutional requirements in the nation’s faculties for doctors in education would not be met even over the next 25 years.

Participants in this program should have the fo- llowing characteristics:

  1. The commitment to be an academic researcher, working in an educational institution and per- forming scientific teaching, research and disse- mination activities in their local community.
  2. A critical-strategic spirit, with the desire to in- novate in their field, focusing on achieving the ongoing enhancement of the educational envi- ronment.
  3. An interest in conducting research in one of the areas currently offered by the program: a) Ad- ministration and management of educational change; b). The student as a learner; c). The role of the professor and of learning in the educa- tional process; d) The social impact of innovati- ve educational models; e) Education in physics and mathematics
  4. A commitment to improving the social and po- litical environment of Latin American countries and enhancing the quality of life of its inhabi- tants through education across all its aspects.
  5. The openness for internationalization, to know what is being done in other countries and to learn from them, sharing what their own coun- try is doing, seeing the world as a whole, all na- tions with the same principal goals of providing a quality education for its people.
  6. The ability to receive and produce influential information in Spanish and English; to read re- search reports and papers from scientific pu- blications; and profit from texts and articles in both languages.
  7. The desire to act as an agent of change by exa- mining, redefining and motivating people to act.

4 Years

Tuition Fee and Scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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More programs from the university

Tecnológico de Monterrey offers 6 entry areas, from which the student selects one in which they will develop competencies that are fundamental and common to a group of bachelor's degrees. In addition, the student will discover and expand their interests to decide which career to choose, or alternatively, reinforce the decision they have made.  



Apart from embracing the factors that determine the development of cities, the student also be able to address the urban challenges of the future analytically and systemically.  

Degree programs:  
ARQ Architecture ( multientry )  

LUB Urbanism  

IC Civil Engineering  



Acquire competencies to analyze contexts, detect trends and patterns, to develop solutions that will narrow gaps and rectify deficiencies.  

Degree programs:  

LEC - B.A. in Economics  

LRI – B.A. in International Relations  

LED – B.A. in Law  

LTP – B.A. in Governance and Public Transformation  



Understand situations, needs and contexts, connect ideas and use resources to design and produce innovative solutions in diverse professional settings.  

Degree programs:  

ARQ – B.A. in Architecture  

LC – B.A. in Communication  

LEI – B.A. in Educational Innovation  

LPE – B.A. in Journalism  

LAD – B.A. in Digital Art  

LDI – B.A. in Design  

LLE – B.A. in Spanish Literature  

LTM – B.A. in Music Technology and Production  



At Tec de Monterrey, by studying any of the 18 Engineering and Science degrees we offer, the student  will be contributing to solving society’s major challenges, backed by technology-based knowledge.  

Degree programs:  

IDM - B.S. in Data Science and Engineering Mathematics  

IFI- B.S. in Engineering Physics  

INA - B.S. in Nanotechnology Engineering  

I AG - B.S. in Agricultural Biosystems  

IAL - B.S. in Food Engineering  

IBT - B.S. in Biotechnology  

IDS - B.S. in Sustainable Development Engineering  

IQ - B.S. in Chemical Engineering  

IRS - B.S. in Robotics and Digital Systems  

ITC - B.S. in Computer Science and Information Technologies  

ITD - B.S. in Digital Transformation in Business  

IC - B.S. in Civil Engineering - Multi-entry  

IE - B.S. in Electronics Engineering  

IID - B.S. in Innovation and Development  

BIE - B.S. in Industrial Engineering with minor in Systems Engineering*  

IM - B.S. in Mechanical Engineering  

IMD - B.S. in Biomedical Engineering  

BME - B.S. in Mechatronics Engineering*  

*Program taught in English and Spanish  


Acquire new competencies to think creatively and strategically. Make innovation happen, act as a catalyst of organizational transformation.  

Degree programs:  

BGB - B.A. in Global Business  

LAET - B.A. in Business Strategy and Transformation  

LAF - B.A. in Finance  

LCPF - B.A. in Finance and Accounting  

LDE - B.A. in Entrepreneurship  

LDO - B.A. in Human Resource Management  

LEM - B.A. in Marketing  

LIT - B.A. in Business Intelligence  



The student will have a holistic view of human beings and seek to contribute positively to their well-being.  

Degree programs:  
LBC - B.A. in Bioscience  

LNB - B.A. in Nutrition and Wellness  

LPS - B.S. in Clinical Psychology and Health  

MC - Physician and Surgeon  

MO - Medical and Surgical Dentist  


Tecnológico de Monterrey offers specialties, master’s and doctoral degrees across business, social science and government, medicine, engineering and science, humanities, education, architecture and design.

Postgraduate degrees include:  

  • Finance
  • Nanotechnology
  • Software engineering
  • Education 

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PHD programs 594