Università degli Studi di Pavia : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details | Top Universities

# =440QS World University Rankings


43Undergraduate programs


85Postgraduate programs


1432International students

About Università degli Studi di Pavia

Established in 1361

The University of Pavia (Unipv) is one of the world’s oldest Academic Institutions and over the last six centuries has become one of the foremost in Europe, boasting an impressive number of famous Alumni, celebrated Academicians and Nobel Prizes.

Tha University of Pavia ranks as the first University in Italy, among the large state universities, according to the National Censis Ranking.

Advanced Research University

Today Pavia is an andvanced Research University, offering a wide variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching organized in 18 Departments and has study programmes at all levels: Bachelor’s and Master's degree Programs, Single-cycle Master's degree Programs, PhD Programs, Vocational and Advanced Courses.

International University

The University of Pavia is an Internationalization-driven University which participates in agreements with worldwide esteemed institutions.  We offer a range of  opportunities for students to ensure they  benefit from an international experience.

Studying in Pavia is an international  experience itself, as the  University is continuously increasing  its academic offer through a wide range of  English-taught Degree programs, Bilingual  Degree programs, Double Degree programs,  Joint Master’s Degrees.

Unipv also offers virtual and short mobility  opportunities and blended intensive  programs.

Studying in Pavia also means belonging to a  wider campus, the  European Campus of City  Universities (EC2U), constituted by seven historical and  multidisciplinary Universities (Coimbra, Iasi,  Jena, Pavia, Poitiers, Salamanca, Turku).  This Alliance, co-funded by the European  Commission, aims to create a true Pan-European  Campus, increasing student and researchers  exchanges within the 7 Academic communities  and developing innovative models in the fields of  Education, Research and Society.

Unipv for sustainability

The University of Pavia actively works for  sustainability and inclusion through the Office  for Sustainable Actions (OSA). With reference to the Agenda 2030 Sustainable  Development Goals (SDGs), the following 6  action fields have been defined: Buildings  and Greenery, Energy, Waste and Circular  economy, Mobility, Social sustainability,  Health and Wellness. Learn more

Pavia, a City-Campus

Moreover Pavia, with 70.000 permanent residents and over 26.000 students, is a student-sized environment and has been a City-Campus since its foundation, offering the unique experience in Italy – and rare in Europe – of living in one of the 21 University Residences of the City.

The excellent Student-Faculty ratio guarantees all students a personalized learning path and enhances the quality of teaching.

With a wide variety of both Academic and social opportunities, Pavia is the ideal place to choose for studying and living abroad.

Originally created around schools of law, humanities and medicine, the University of Pavia now offers 97 courses in:

  • Engineering and architecture
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Natural sciences
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacology
  • Health professions
  • Psychology
  • Law
  • Literature
  • Languages and philosophy
  • Economics
  • Political sciences
  • Communication
  • Sports sciences
  • Musicology

The following Undergraduate/Graduate programs are also offered in English :

    Artificial Intelligence:
    -  B.Sc. in  Artificial Intelligence
    - M.Sc. in  Artificial Intelligence for Science and Technology
    - M.Sc. in  Human Centered Artificial intelligence

    Economics and Political Sciences:
    -  BA in  Social Sciences for Global Challenges
    -  Ma in  International Business & Enterpreneurship – ( MIBE )
    -  Ma in  Economics, Development and Innovation – ( MEDI )
    -  Ma in  Finance
    -  Ma in  World Politics and International Relations

    -  M.Sc. in  Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards
    -  M.Sc. in  Computer Engineering
    -  M.Sc. in  Electrical Engineering
    -  M.Sc. in  Electronic Engineering
    -  M.Sc. in  Industrial Automation Engineering
    -  M.Sc. in  Environmental Engineering – Resilience to Climate Change Effects ( REACH ) Curriculum

    -  MA in  The Ancient Mediterranean World: History, Archaeology and Art
    -  MA in  Philosophical Knowledge: Foundations, Methods, Applications
    -  European Joint MA in  European Languages, Cultures and Societies in Contact

    Medicine and Psychology:
    -  Single cycle 6-year degree course  Harvey Medicine and Surgery
    -  Ma in  Psychology, Neuroscience and Human Sciences
    -  M.Sc. in  Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies
    -  European Joint M.Sc. in  Lifelong Well-being and Healthy Aging

    -  M.Sc. in  Molecular Biology and Genetics
    -  M.Sc. in  Neurobiology
    -  M.Sc. in  Industrial Nanobiotechnologies for Pharmaceuticals
    -  M.Sc. in  Agri-food Sustainability
    -  M.Sc. in  Physical Sciences – Biomedical Physics Curriculum

    The University of Pavia also offers a Foundation Year program.

    The city of Pavia is located in northern Italy, around 30km south of Milan (20-30 minutes by train), and is home to 19 museums, two cultural centers, 22 libraries, four cinemas and theatres, 10 social-cultural meeting halls, and three civic schools of music and arts. For those of you interested in sports, the University Sports Centre (CUS) in Pavia offers a wide range of courses, championships and tournaments.

    Tuition fees at UNIPV vary based on the student’s family income and country of origin, which range from 156 euro to 4500 euro per year.

    Find out more about studying at the University of Pavia.

    About Università degli Studi di Pavia

    Established in 1361

    The University of Pavia (Unipv) is one of the world’s oldest Academic Institutions and over the last six centuries has become one of the foremost in Europe, boasting an impressive number of famous Alumni, celebrated Academicians and Nobel Prizes.

    Tha University of Pavia ranks as the first University in Italy, among the large state universities, according to the National Censis Ranking.

    Advanced Research University

    Today Pavia is an andvanced Research University, offering a wide variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching organized in 18 Departments and has study programmes at all levels: Bachelor’s and Master's degree Programs, Single-cycle Master's degree Programs, PhD Programs, Vocational and Advanced Courses.

    International University

    The University of Pavia is an Internationalization-driven University which participates in agreements with worldwide esteemed institutions.  We offer a range of  opportunities for students to ensure they  benefit from an international experience.

    Studying in Pavia is an international  experience itself, as the  University is continuously increasing  its academic offer through a wide range of  English-taught Degree programs, Bilingual  Degree programs, Double Degree programs,  Joint Master’s Degrees.

    Unipv also offers virtual and short mobility  opportunities and blended intensive  programs.

    Studying in Pavia also means belonging to a  wider campus, the  European Campus of City  Universities (EC2U), constituted by seven historical and  multidisciplinary Universities (Coimbra, Iasi,  Jena, Pavia, Poitiers, Salamanca, Turku).  This Alliance, co-funded by the European  Commission, aims to create a true Pan-European  Campus, increasing student and researchers  exchanges within the 7 Academic communities  and developing innovative models in the fields of  Education, Research and Society.

    Unipv for sustainability

    The University of Pavia actively works for  sustainability and inclusion through the Office  for Sustainable Actions (OSA). With reference to the Agenda 2030 Sustainable  Development Goals (SDGs), the following 6  action fields have been defined: Buildings  and Greenery, Energy, Waste and Circular  economy, Mobility, Social sustainability,  Health and Wellness. Learn more

    Pavia, a City-Campus

    Moreover Pavia, with 70.000 permanent residents and over 26.000 students, is a student-sized environment and has been a City-Campus since its foundation, offering the unique experience in Italy – and rare in Europe – of living in one of the 21 University Residences of the City.

    The excellent Student-Faculty ratio guarantees all students a personalized learning path and enhances the quality of teaching.

    With a wide variety of both Academic and social opportunities, Pavia is the ideal place to choose for studying and living abroad.

    Originally created around schools of law, humanities and medicine, the University of Pavia now offers 97 courses in:

    • Engineering and architecture
    • Mathematics
    • Physics
    • Natural sciences
    • Medicine
    • Pharmacology
    • Health professions
    • Psychology
    • Law
    • Literature
    • Languages and philosophy
    • Economics
    • Political sciences
    • Communication
    • Sports sciences
    • Musicology

    The following Undergraduate/Graduate programs are also offered in English :

      Artificial Intelligence:
      -  B.Sc. in  Artificial Intelligence
      - M.Sc. in  Artificial Intelligence for Science and Technology
      - M.Sc. in  Human Centered Artificial intelligence

      Economics and Political Sciences:
      -  BA in  Social Sciences for Global Challenges
      -  Ma in  International Business & Enterpreneurship – ( MIBE )
      -  Ma in  Economics, Development and Innovation – ( MEDI )
      -  Ma in  Finance
      -  Ma in  World Politics and International Relations

      -  M.Sc. in  Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards
      -  M.Sc. in  Computer Engineering
      -  M.Sc. in  Electrical Engineering
      -  M.Sc. in  Electronic Engineering
      -  M.Sc. in  Industrial Automation Engineering
      -  M.Sc. in  Environmental Engineering – Resilience to Climate Change Effects ( REACH ) Curriculum

      -  MA in  The Ancient Mediterranean World: History, Archaeology and Art
      -  MA in  Philosophical Knowledge: Foundations, Methods, Applications
      -  European Joint MA in  European Languages, Cultures and Societies in Contact

      Medicine and Psychology:
      -  Single cycle 6-year degree course  Harvey Medicine and Surgery
      -  Ma in  Psychology, Neuroscience and Human Sciences
      -  M.Sc. in  Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies
      -  European Joint M.Sc. in  Lifelong Well-being and Healthy Aging

      -  M.Sc. in  Molecular Biology and Genetics
      -  M.Sc. in  Neurobiology
      -  M.Sc. in  Industrial Nanobiotechnologies for Pharmaceuticals
      -  M.Sc. in  Agri-food Sustainability
      -  M.Sc. in  Physical Sciences – Biomedical Physics Curriculum

      The University of Pavia also offers a Foundation Year program.

      The city of Pavia is located in northern Italy, around 30km south of Milan (20-30 minutes by train), and is home to 19 museums, two cultural centers, 22 libraries, four cinemas and theatres, 10 social-cultural meeting halls, and three civic schools of music and arts. For those of you interested in sports, the University Sports Centre (CUS) in Pavia offers a wide range of courses, championships and tournaments.

      Tuition fees at UNIPV vary based on the student’s family income and country of origin, which range from 156 euro to 4500 euro per year.

      Find out more about studying at the University of Pavia.

      Available programs

      Founded in 1361, the University of Pavia (UNIPV), is one of the world’s oldest academic institutions. Like the UK’s Oxford and Cambridge, the University of Pavia is structured using a college system, dating back to the 16th century, with a striking historic campus.

      The University of Pavia features in a number of QS rankings. Ranked within the global top 561-570 in the QS World University Rankings® 2022.

      Comprised of 20 colleges which all have their own particular histories and opportunities to offer, UNIPV is an open community where academic achievement, traditions, parties and sporting rivalries all have their place.

      Originally created around schools of law, humanities and medicine, the University of Pavia now offers 90 courses in:

      • Engineering and architecture
      • Mathematics
      • Physics
      • Natural sciences
      • Medicine
      • Pharmacology
      • Health professions
      • Psychology
      • Law
      • Literature
      • Languages and philosophy
      • Economics
      • Political sciences
      • Communication
      • Sports sciences
      • Musicology

      The following Undergraduate/Graduate programs are also offered in English :

      • Artificial intelligence (undergraduate)
      • Medicine and Surgery (combined bachelor's and master's program)
      • Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards (graduate)
      • Computer Engineering (graduate)
      • Electrical Engineering (graduate)
      • Electronic Engineering (graduate)
      • Industrial Automation Engineering (graduate)
      • International Business and Entrepreneurship (graduate)
      • Economics, Development and Innovation (graduate)
      • Finance (graduate)
      • Molecular Biology and Genetics (graduate)
      • Psychology, Neuroscience and Human Sciences (graduate)
      • Physical science - Biomedical physics curriculum (graduate)
      • Neurobiology (graduate)
      • Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies (graduate)
      • Agrifood sustainability (graduate)
      • The Ancient Mediterranean World: History, Archaeology and Art (graduate)
      • World Politics and International Relations (graduate)

      The University of Pavia also offers a Foundation Year program.

      The city of Pavia is located in northern Italy, around 30km south of Milan (20-30 minutes by train), and is home to 19 museums, two cultural centers, 22 libraries, four cinemas and theatres, 10 social-cultural meeting halls, and three civic schools of music and arts. For those of you interested in sports, the University Sports Centre (CUS) in Pavia offers a wide range of courses, championships and tournaments.

      Tuition fees at UNIPV vary based on the student’s family income and country of origin, which range from 156 euro to 4500 euro per year.

      Find out more about studying at the University of Pavia.

      Founded in 1361, the University of Pavia (UNIPV), is one of the world’s oldest academic institutions. Like the UK’s Oxford and Cambridge, the University of Pavia is structured using a college system, dating back to the 16th century, with a striking historic campus.

      The University of Pavia features in a number of QS rankings. Ranked within the global top 561-570 in the QS World University Rankings® 2022.

      Comprised of 20 colleges which all have their own particular histories and opportunities to offer, UNIPV is an open community where academic achievement, traditions, parties and sporting rivalries all have their place.

      Originally created around schools of law, humanities and medicine, the University of Pavia now offers 90 courses in:

      • Engineering and architecture
      • Mathematics
      • Physics
      • Natural sciences
      • Medicine
      • Pharmacology
      • Health professions
      • Psychology
      • Law
      • Literature
      • Languages and philosophy
      • Economics
      • Political sciences
      • Communication
      • Sports sciences
      • Musicology

      The following Undergraduate/Graduate programs are also offered in English :

      • Artificial intelligence (undergraduate)
      • Medicine and Surgery (combined bachelor's and master's program)
      • Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards (graduate)
      • Computer Engineering (graduate)
      • Electrical Engineering (graduate)
      • Electronic Engineering (graduate)
      • Industrial Automation Engineering (graduate)
      • International Business and Entrepreneurship (graduate)
      • Economics, Development and Innovation (graduate)
      • Finance (graduate)
      • Molecular Biology and Genetics (graduate)
      • Psychology, Neuroscience and Human Sciences (graduate)
      • Physical science - Biomedical physics curriculum (graduate)
      • Neurobiology (graduate)
      • Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies (graduate)
      • Agrifood sustainability (graduate)
      • The Ancient Mediterranean World: History, Archaeology and Art (graduate)
      • World Politics and International Relations (graduate)

      The University of Pavia also offers a Foundation Year program.

      The city of Pavia is located in northern Italy, around 30km south of Milan (20-30 minutes by train), and is home to 19 museums, two cultural centers, 22 libraries, four cinemas and theatres, 10 social-cultural meeting halls, and three civic schools of music and arts. For those of you interested in sports, the University Sports Centre (CUS) in Pavia offers a wide range of courses, championships and tournaments.

      Tuition fees at UNIPV vary based on the student’s family income and country of origin, which range from 156 euro to 4500 euro per year.

      Find out more about studying at the University of Pavia.

      University information


      Minimum requirements for BA/BSc programs:

      • High school diploma after 12 years of schooling;

      • If the education system of your Home Country has a national exam to enter higher education (i.e. Chinese GaoKao, Brazilian Vestibular), certificate of passing is mandatory.

      Minimum requirements for MA programs:

      • BA/BSc in subjects related to the MA/MSc of your interest;

      • Transcript of records with exams and grades;

      • English proficiency for Degree programs taught in English (see specific requirements of each program);

      Documents required for both BA, BSc/MA, MSc applications are to be officially translated into italian together with the Declaration of Value.






      The University offers 35 libraries run by different faculties and departments. All material owned by the academic libraries is listed in the On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). By consulting this source, it is possible to find information about book offer and availability. A special section of the catalogue is provided for periodicals. Each library has its own opening hours and rules: libraries open from a minimum of 16 to a maximum of 50 hours per week, generally from Monday to Friday.

      Students can also access more than 130 libraries located in Pavia and its province; other resources include research centres and the new Pavia Digital Archive.


      The University Museum System offers a variety of museums and collections of interest to both students and the general public. Museums are usually free to access to UNIPV students. Other collections are currently closed to the public but are accessible to scholars by appoint.


      Just like Oxford and Cambridge in the UK, Pavia has a unique university residence system in Italy, dating back to the 16th century. Each of Pavia’s 20 residences, that in total host approximately 2000 students, has its own particular history and opportunities to offer, including access to many study abroad programs and sport activities. University residence life aims at creating an open community where academic achievements, traditional events, parties and sporting rivalries all play a role. Students living in residences can be engaged in different sport activities, learn different languages and, above all, build their first professional network. Acceptance to residences is based on merit criteria and a parental-income based fee system. Today, Pavia provides 4 merit-based residences, 12 public residences managed by EDiSU, an instrumental body of the University of Pavia established to provide the services for the right to study, and 4 private residences.

      There is also a system of private accommodation, made up by private residencies, private religious colleges and private flat to rent.


      A number of university canteens and cafeterias are located at both campuses. The price to eat in a canteen depends on individual economic situation: you could pay from €3.50 to €7 for a complete meal (a first course, a second course, a side dish, bread, a dessert and water). If you are awarded an EDiSU scholarship you will have a free meal per day. There are five canteens located around the city of Pavia and two canteens in Cremona for students of Musicology.

      There are five canteens located in Pavia and two canteens in Cremona for students of Musicology.

      The university cafè is located in the central university building, in Cortile dei Tassi, and there is also a cafè in the scientific pole.


      All students can travel the whole academic year (October – September), buying a card that is issued at convenient fee of around €25 per year for students, PhD students and Erasmus students. The ordinary ticket costs €1.30 instead and allows unlimited travels (check city area limits) on all bus lines for the next 60 minutes. It can be bought online or at almost every tobacconists’ and news stands or at the bus terminal. 


      The University of Pavia offers its students a psychological counseling service to students, also in English, with particular regard to states of anxiety, depression, stress and other reasons for discomfort, including behavior risk. The Service offers completely free interviews with psychologists enrolled in the professional register, through the support of online platforms with the necessary guarantees to protect privacy. When health conditions allow, the interviews will also be organized face to face, in a dedicated space.


      Pavia has a lot to offer in terms of sports activities and facilities, and was internationally recognized as European City of Sport in 2014. For walkers and runners there are beautiful paths in Parco del Ticino and Parco della Vernavola, whilst the university sports center offers courses in numerous disciplines. 
      The Centro Universitario Sportivo (CUS) was founded in 1946, and currently has over 2800 members, offering many sports on competitive and non-competitive levels. Courses available include: canoeing, rowing, fencing, climbing, fitness, athletics, basketball, volleyball, football, tag rugby, archery, pilates and yoga. University of Pavia offers also programs for students with disabilities: Zudda Rizza (meaning goosebumps and provides athletics course including running, long jump, and shot put), access to a paralympic discipline (athletics, canoeing, fencing, and archery) and "Abili si Diventa".

      Pavia offers: 2 sports halls, 4 public swimming pools, 3 private sports clubs, 26 school gyms, 8 university gyms, 20 multi-purpose playing fields, 15 football pitches, 5 boules areas, 4 private equestrian centers, 20 tennis fields, and numerous other facilities including golf courses and skating rinks. 


      The University of Pavia's Linguage Centre runs Italian language courses throughout the academic year, at various levels. They are mainly aimed at Erasmus+, international exchange and enrolled students, but they are open to anyone.

      Find out more about FACILITIES 


      Student life


      Pavia is a city in northern Italy with 70,000 inhabitants and over 26,000 students located only 30 km south of Milan, connected by regional and suburban trains every 10 minutes. Pavia is also within easy reach of the Swiss border, Como and the lakes as well as Genoa and the Ligurian coast. Founded in Roman times with the name of Ticinum, it was the capital of the Kingdom of the Lombards for over two centuries and this fascinating legacy remains intact. The city centre is a maze of narrow streets, ancient churches, elegant buildings and many fascinating corners all coming alive day and night with students enjoying their favorite meeting points. Cultural life in Pavia is intense with 19 museums and collections, 4 public and 18 university libraries, 4 cinemas and theatres, 12 cultural centres, a musical college and 2 civic schools of music and arts. Life in Pavia is both pleasant and affordable, particularly in comparison with much higher housing and living costs in Milan and other urban centres in Lombardy. Pavia’s campus offers a unique university experience to students who can enjoy countless events, festivals, exhibitions, concerts and sport activities, at all levels.

      More information on Festival and Events.

      More information on Visiting Pavia.


      Enjoy the city and discover plenty of activities you can do at the University of Pavia. Meet new friends on the campus and be part of the community that hangs out on Wednesday nights at our lively university parties. Whether you are keen on soccer or rugby, there will be plenty of opportunities to play sports with your friends at one of our facilities, which may be next to your dorm, just a few minutes away from the campus.

      Experience our historic city center and its heritage sites and ride along Pavia’s boulevards thanks to its bike-sharing scheme, or just go for a run in the park by the river Ticino. The University of Pavia has had a long-lasting tradition of students clubs and societies, not only inside its residences but also in each and every degree course. 

      Want to know more about university life in Pavia? Chat with our Student Ambassadors!


      Centro Orientamento Universitario (COR) supports current students through different types of activities: strategic support projects with peer tutors, specific courses for the newly enrolled, exercises targeting exam preparation and workshops aimed at enhancing and developing study methods. The service intends to promote the acquisition of skills, strategies and abilities necessary to achieve educational goals in a general climate of individual and academic well-being. The guidance center creates and/or promotes courses dedicated to students with specific needs or fragilities. The service comprises different courses that vary according to the student’s needs.

      More info about Careers and student services here.

      Tuition fee and scholarships

      One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

      In this guide you will find:

      Where to look for scholarship opportunities


      How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


      A list of available scholarships around the world


      A scholarship application checklist

      download_icon Download Scholarship Guide

      Rankings & ratings

      Università degli Studi di Pavia is one of the top public universities in Pavia, Italy. It is ranked #=440 in QS World University Rankings 2025.

      QS World University Rankings

      • 2012
        #401- 450
      • 2014
      • 2015
      • 2016
      • 2017
      • 2018
      • 2019
      • 2020
      • 2021
      • 2022
      • 2023
      • 2024
      • 2025

      Videos & media

      Videos & media

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      Campus locations

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      At the University of Pavia, you will find 26 Programs taught in English.
      Find your favourite one and apply!

      The tuition fee is adjusted to the student’s family’s financial situation and the study area, which ranges from 156 euro to 4500 euro per year. Non-EU students residing abroad and holding a study visa can also choose to pay the flat rate determined according to their citizenship which ranges from 400 euro to 4500 euro per year. Click the tuition fee page to get more.

      The University of Pavia offers several kinds of scholarships/funding for a sum up to 10.000 euro per year per student. Click the funding page to read more.

      Applications for non-restricted access programs are open from 13th November for the 2025/26 academic year!

      Check the calendar and APPLY NOW ! 

      Pavia is the ideal place to choose for studying and living abroad. Located in Lombardy Region , only 30 kilometres south of Milan, the City of Pavia offers a lively, genuine, cooperative and safe environment with a high quality of life. The countless events, festivals, exhibitions, concerts, meeting places and sports competitions combine to offer students a unique University experience. More info here.
      Università degli Studi di Pavia advanced Public Very High 15 yes 1432 L 493