Scholarships for Hispanic Students | Top Universities

Scholarships for Hispanic Students

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Sabrina Collier

Updated May 24, 2016



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Many universities are interested improving the diversity of their intake, and are keen to offer support for students from minority groups. Particularly in the US, this means a wide number of scholarships for Hispanic students are available. The list below is just a selection of current Hispanic scholarships on offer – don’t just limit yourself to these opportunities, as you are likely to be eligible for other schemes as well.

If you’re based in a Latin American country, you may also be interested in one of our upcoming QS World Grad School Tour events in the region – a chance to meet universities from around the world and apply for exclusive scholarships.

Scholarships for Hispanic students in the US (general):

  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund – describes itself as the “number one resource for Hispanic and Latino scholarship programs”. There are Hispanic scholarships available for high school seniors, undergraduates, graduate students and community college transfer students. To qualify, you must be classed as a US citizen, permanent legal resident, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) or eligible non-citizen (as defined by Federal Student Aid).
  • St. Lawrence University Presidential Diversity Scholarship – various scholarships for minority students, including those of African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic American or Native American heritage. Applicants must demonstrate leadership and service to the community.
  • Hispanic Business Association Richard G. Cortez Scholarship – a non-profit organization committed to the enhancement of educational opportunities for Hispanic students in Oregon and Idaho. The scheme offers annual scholarships for Hispanics who have good academic achievement.
  • College Board, National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) – program for students who qualify based on outstanding scores on the PSAT/NMSQT in their junior year of high school and self-identify as at least one-quarter Hispanic.
  • Connecticut Association of Latino/as in Higher Education (CALAHE) – dedicated to promoting educational access for Latino students at higher education institutions in Connecticut.
  • Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) – provides critical financial assistance in associate’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees and postgraduate degrees with the aim of increasing graduation rates among Hispanic students. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
  • Esperanza Scholarships – Hispanic scholarships are available for residents of Cuyahoga and/or Lorain Counties in Ohio. Students must be graduating high school or be enrolled full-time in college/university, with a family income not exceeding US$60,000 per year.
  • La Plaza Scholarship Fund – up to six four-year college scholarships worth$2,000 are awarded each year to Latino students from across Indiana. Students are selected based on their academic record, community participation and financial need.
  • Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards – an annual grant worth US$1,000-3,000, awarded to Hispanic students who demonstrate leadership in the classroom and community.

Scholarships for Hispanic students in the US (subject-specific):

If you’re seeking funding for an MBA program, visit our sister site to find MBA Scholarship Programs for Hispanic and Latino Americans.

Scholarships for Hispanic women:

Click here to find more scholarships for Hispanic women and other women in minority groups.

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