9 Inventive Ways to Stay Warm in Your Freezing Student House This Winter | Top Universities

9 Inventive Ways to Stay Warm in Your Freezing Student House This Winter

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Chloe Lane

Updated Jul 28, 2021



9 Inventive Ways to Stay Warm in Your Freezing Student House This Winter main image

When you can no longer feel your toes, and you have goose pimples left, right and center, you’ll finally be experiencing the joy that is a student house in the winter.

With expensive heating and stingy roommates, you’re probably looking for alternative ways to stay warm this winter. Let us relight your fire (figurately) with these nine inventive ways to stay warm in your freezing student house…

1. Dig out your onesie

Wearing onesies

You probably have at least one of these lying around your house, probably from when you bought it back in 2010. It’s time to dig it out and start wearing it again. Not exactly the height of fashion, but then again, neither is frostbite…

2. Hot drinks are a MUST

We know you needed an excuse to drink more tea or coffee, so here it is! Winter practically comes with a requirement to carry a hot drink with you at all times, especially when you’re a student in a freezing cold student house. Do your part for your housemates and become the designated tea maker – they’ll love you forever.

3. Do some baking

Baking in student house

Take a (much deserved) break from studying and bake some cookies with your friends. Not only will this warm you up, due to the heat coming from the oven and the fact that you’ll be mixing, measuring and generally moving around, but you’ll also end up with some tasty hot food at the end. Really a win-win situation! 

Another top tip is to leave the oven slightly open when you’ve finished to let the excess heat escape into the house and warm you up.

4. Make a duvet fort

Move your duvets out of your room and onto the sofa for a great movie night. If you get all of your housemates to move all of their duvets and blankets into the living room as well, and light a few scented candles, you’ll have an extremely cozy setting to commence a Harry Potter movie marathon. This also works well for group revision sessions.

5. Hot water bottles are your best friend

The classic technique for staying warm – carrying a hot water bottle around with you at all times. Bonus points if it’s a fluffy hot water bottle. Hot water bottles are effective, cheap and portable, making them so much better than an electric blanket.

If you’re still cold, you can also invest in some reusable hand warmers to keep in your pockets – effectively making your own heated clothes.

6. Throw a house party

House Party

Not that you needed an excuse for this, but a crowd of people in one place and a bit of dancing will definitely help you keep warm in your cold student flat. Plus, it’s a great chance to get all your friends together and have a good time.

7. Clean the house

Let’s be honest, the house probably needs cleaning anyway, and now is as good a time as any. Plus, you get the added benefit of staying warm. It’s either this or actual exercise, so take your pick.

8. Close the doors

This is obvious, but so often forgotten about. Take a look at the doors now – are they closed? Thought not. Stop that cold draft and see how quickly the room warms up!

9. Leave the house!

We know this sounds daunting now, but leaving the house means that you can take advantage of your university’s heating, and probably be more productive (although this only applies if you go to a study space and not the pub…)

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