Why I decided to study my master’s in Italy | Top Universities

Why I decided to study my master’s in Italy

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Stephanie Lukins

Updated Apr 26, 2021



Why I decided to study my master’s in Italy main image

Sponsored by the University of Bologna

With its charming history and culture, legendary gastronomy, and picture-perfect landscapes, Italy has become a magnet for international students from all around the world.

Leticia Hamvegam Mouafo, who is originally from Bafoussam in Cameroon, Africa, is a second-year international master’s student at the University of Bologna, which is believed to be one of the oldest universities in the world.

We spoke with Leticia to find out more about her study abroad experience so far and what makes Italy (and Bologna) a special place to study abroad.

‘I wanted to expand my academic horizons and boost my career prospects’

Leticia wanted to study a degree that would allow her to expand her academic horizons and help boost her career prospects.

She was initially attracted to Italy for a number of reasons, including its reputation for academic excellence. A total of 36 universities in the country feature in the QS World University Rankings® 2021, of which 11 make it into the world’s top 500. The University of Bologna is ranked second in the country.

Leticia also learnt that the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants to international students and Italian students living abroad (IRE) – something that she felt was too good of an opportunity to miss.

In August 2015, Leticia moved to Italy and three years later graduated with a Bachelor’s in Science of Communication in 2018. She then looked to the University of Bologna to take her education one step further.

Leticia wanted to study a master’s that would be a suitable follow up from her undergraduate degree and also help her get ‘career ready’. She decided the English-taught Master’s in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK) was ‘the one’. 

Looking back at her study experience so far, Leticia says “all of my expectations have been fulfilled.”

“The University of Bologna is well organised and equipped for further education. I am very happy with my degree as well – it has taught me many things and is highly sought-after by employers.

“I have especially loved all of the computer science courses like programming, web development, usability and user experience, as well as the courses on cultural knowledge creation, preservation and management,” she added.

Looking ahead to graduating in July 2021, Leticia already has some plans in mind. One is to secure a job in web and mobile app development and user experience design – areas in which she is currently researching for her thesis. The other is to pursue a PhD.

At the moment, Leticia is undertaking a remote internship programme at Proceedit, a company which specialises in business process automation. Afterwards, she will spend three months in Barcelona as part of an Erasmus internship with the same company.

Her end goal is to be able to take the knowledge, skills and experience she has obtained throughout her studies at the University of Bologna and give back to society in her home country of Cameroon.

‘I wanted to enhance my global perspective and cultural background’

Studying abroad can open you up to different cultures while meeting new people and experiencing new traditions and customs, and this is something Leticia was keen to do.

“We all have to live an experience out of our comfort zone, and to learn more about others,” she said.

Leaving her hometown and large family to move to a new country by herself was never going to be an easy decision to make, but fortunately Leticia’s older brother was already living and studying in Italy which made her feel more confident about making the big move.

When Leticia first arrived in Bologna, it became apparent her initial worries weren’t at all warranted. She recalls thinking of Bologna as a city that brings together the old and the new, with welcoming locals who are always happy to help.

The same also goes for the university, with its vibrant and dynamic student community making a big difference.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, free time was something Leticia enjoyed making the most of – including sightseeing, going to restaurants, and relaxing in local parks.

And what about the language barrier?

Don’t worry, says Leticia. “Many Italians speak good English from my experience, especially with it being a very touristy country.”

Leticia has even been able to pick up some Italian from her time in the city. She told us: “It has helped me a lot in making friends, speaking with my roommates and classmates.

So should you follow in her footsteps and apply to study in Italy?

Leticia said: “I would definitely recommend it. Do it, you won’t regret it.” 

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