20 Things Only People Who Studied Abroad in Australia Will Understand | Top Universities

20 Things Only People Who Studied Abroad in Australia Will Understand

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Carly Williams

Updated Apr 23, 2019



20 Things Only People Who Studied Abroad in Australia Will Understand main image

Have you studied abroad in Australia? From trying your hand at surfing to taking selfies with koalas, these should be familiar…

You probably had trouble getting work done because the views looked like this:


Distracting view

Study sessions looked like this:

Study sessions

And weekend road trips looked like this:


Weekend road trips

Your favorite shows weren’t available on Netflix.

7-Eleven was your second home. Those AU$2 coffees were a staple.


And when you were feeling fancy, those $6 cups of coffee were legendary.

You tried surfing. And probably failed miserably.

You also tried vegemite. And hated it.

You absolutely took way too many pictures with a certain fluffy friend:

You were either a Coles or Woolys kind of person (but probably Coles, because let’s face it, it’s easier on the wallet).

Coles vs Wooleys

You eventually had to go shopping for winter clothes because you thought Australia was hot all year round.

(PSA: it’s not).


You couldn’t for the life of you understand rugby, and don’t even get me started on cricket.

But you went to the games anyway, pretending you knew what was happening.


You will experience a white Christmas. White sand, that is.

White sand

Avocados costed you your first-born child.

But paying $15 for a pint somehow didn’t faze you.


Tim Tam biscuits were your go-to study snack.

Tim Tams

Meat pies were a way of life.

Australian meat pies

You were astonished to find out that 42 Wallaby Way Sydney DOESN’T EXIST. 

And you were also extremely disappointed when koalas weren’t chilling in your backyard and kangaroos weren’t hopping down the street.

Your life is forever ruined because nothing will ever measure up to your time studying abroad in the Land of Oz.


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