Q&A: What can you expect from a master’s in artificial intelligence? | Top Universities

Q&A: What can you expect from a master’s in artificial intelligence?

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Chloe Lane

Updated Mar 15, 2023



teaching AI in a classroom environment

Sponsored by Bocconi University 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on building smart machines that can learn from experience, allowing them to perform tasks in a human-like way. AI is already widely used in day-to-day life, in the form of things like face recognition, text editors, social media algorithms and chatbots. 

A master’s in AI will teach you all the methods and techniques required to help you develop the next generation of these AI and machine learning systems.  

Bocconi University’s new MSc in Artificial Intelligence provides a blend of theory and key applications of AI and machine learning, supported and informed by the international experience and high-profile research of Bocconi’s faculty.   

TopUniversities spoke to Professor Luca Trevisan, the programme director of Bocconi University’s MSc in Artificial Intelligence, about what students can expect from this exciting new master’s degree: 

What can students expect from a master’s in artificial intelligence? 

Students in this programme will gain an in-depth understanding of how to build and use machine learning systems. They’ll learn about deep learning and reinforcement learning, and how to use these techniques to deal with various kinds of data, including texts in natural languages and images.  

Because these technologies are changing so quickly, we’ll also prepare students to be ready to learn about future technologies, giving them the knowledge and skills in mathematics and computer science that is likely to underpin future developments. 

In the second year, students will have a chance to personalise their study plan to go in-depth in a particular application domain impacted by computer science and AI methods. For example, they might look at cryptography, blockchains and decentralised finance or to bio-medical science. 

Why is this new programme being introduced? 

Last year, Bocconi created a new computing sciences department which brought together an exceptionally strong group of computer scientists with remarkable international visibility.  

Since 2020, we have been offering a three-year bachelor degree on AI. The MSc in Artificial Intelligence is the next step in making Bocconi a leading place for research and education in computer science. The programme has been designed from scratch to be the best possible master’s degree in AI and machine learning.  

In their second year, students will be able to engage in world-leading research for their thesis. They will be able to take elective courses in areas of economics, finance or management in Bocconi's other departments, and they will be able to use Bocconi's network and career services in their job search. 

What types of roles are students likely to go into after studying this degree? 

This degree teaches students how to design and build software systems with AI capabilities.  

Graduates will initially take on roles such as AI or machine learning specialist, or work with statisticians and data scientists in data science groups of any large company or public administration.  

They might also work with engineers in manufacturing to develop systems that add AI capabilities to products, or work for a technology company to develop software systems that incorporate AI and machine learning technologies.  

Alternatively, some graduates will work in finance or in the bio-medical field.  

A PhD is a desired credential for some of the more specialised work in AI or machine learning, so we also expect that some of our graduates will continue their studies to pursue a PhD.  

In the longer run, we expect many master’s in AI graduates to achieve positions of leadership, either in management or as thought leaders in industry, in public service or in academia. 

How does this programme prepare students for a successful career?  

Many degree programmes involve the development of a project to apply the skills learned in the course. Consequently, Bocconi’s software engineering module is entirely project-based.  

Students will learn to build large software projects, apply the techniques of deep learning, and build systems that deal with natural languages and can understand and create images.  

In addition to these skills, students will develop knowledge that will help them learn future new technologies, in particular knowledge about the mathematical underpinning of AI and machine learning, about algorithms, optimisation, probability and modeling. 

How will students know this degree is right for them? 

We expect to see students with a diversity of backgrounds.  

Students in this programme will need basic skills in mathematics and computer science and an eagerness to learn more and to experiment and create.  

If students have interacted with a system with AI capabilities, like Siri or Chat-GPT3, and have a desire to deeply understand how these systems work and want to be able to create the next generation of such systems, this degree would be a good choice for them. 


To celebrate the launch of its new MSc in Artificial Intelligence, Bocconi University will be hosting a free webinar on March 28 at 5pm CET with information about the programme. Sign up for the webinar here.