10 Signs You’re Studying in the San Francisco Bay Area | Top Universities

10 Signs You’re Studying in the San Francisco Bay Area

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Guest Writer

Updated Oct 11, 2016



10 Signs You’re Studying in the San Francisco Bay Area main image

 Guest post: Lisa Wong

Whether you’re a current or former student in the San Francisco Bay Area (or just wish you were!), check out these 10 defining characteristics…

1. You say "hella". A lot.

2. You know at least 10 vegan people. (Or are one yourself.


3. Who drinks Budweiser anyways?

 Your choice of beer is always craft beer. Tell me all about that locally brewed Saison.

4. When you visit other states, you realize $4 for coffee is NOT normal.

5. People with dyed hair, piercings and tattoos outnumber those without.

6. You love being surrounded by the best of Mexican, Vietnamese, and Ethiopian food.

7. You've tried to pass off as a teenager so you don’t have to pay $2 on the Muni.

8. Seeing people walk around naked on the street – totally norm.

9. You pay $1,000 a month to share a room with two other people.

10. You're probably thinking of applying to a tech company after you graduate.

Looking forward to those ‘productive’ meetings on beanbags…


Lisa Wong is a Malaysian artist residing in Kuala Lumpur. She graduated from the California College of the Arts with a BFA in Illustration. She enjoys ceramics, soap making, and obsessing over what to cook for dinner. You can follow her on Instagram or check out her website.


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