West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details | Top Universities

1Undergraduate programs


1Postgraduate programs

About West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University

West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University was originally commissioned by the Ministry of Higher Education in the USSR to improve the healthcare system in the region and produce medical professionals and skilled hospital staff. The opening of the school marked a major improvement in medical education and scientific research in Kazakhstan. It was considered a pioneer of its kind. Today, West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University is a leading education institute which aims to implement state policy in the practice of medicine and to make medical care more accessible for people living in more remote areas in the country.

Kazakhstan is a large country in central Asia bordered by mainland China, Russia, and Uzbekistan. It is known for its history of literature, mainly poetry, and philosophy with writers such as Abay Ibrahim Kunanbay-Uli, Aliqan Nurmuhambet Bokeyqan-Uli, Mir Jaqib Duwlat-Uli and, later, Maghjan Jumabay-Uli were pioneers of the Kazakh literary movement whose works are read and studied internationally. West Kazakhstan is a rural area however it has plenty of historical architecture and art monuments as well as several libraries for students to use during their studies.

Find out more
about life at West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University via its social media channels, including Facebook and Instagram.

About West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University

West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University was originally commissioned by the Ministry of Higher Education in the USSR to improve the healthcare system in the region and produce medical professionals and skilled hospital staff. The opening of the school marked a major improvement in medical education and scientific research in Kazakhstan. It was considered a pioneer of its kind. Today, West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University is a leading education institute which aims to implement state policy in the practice of medicine and to make medical care more accessible for people living in more remote areas in the country.

Kazakhstan is a large country in central Asia bordered by mainland China, Russia, and Uzbekistan. It is known for its history of literature, mainly poetry, and philosophy with writers such as Abay Ibrahim Kunanbay-Uli, Aliqan Nurmuhambet Bokeyqan-Uli, Mir Jaqib Duwlat-Uli and, later, Maghjan Jumabay-Uli were pioneers of the Kazakh literary movement whose works are read and studied internationally. West Kazakhstan is a rural area however it has plenty of historical architecture and art monuments as well as several libraries for students to use during their studies.

Find out more
about life at West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University via its social media channels, including Facebook and Instagram.

Available programs

Several undergraduate programmes in the field of life sciences and medicine are offered by the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University. 

  • Medicine

-Duration: 6 years 

-Qualification:  General practitioner.

  • Paediatrics

- Duration: 6 years

- Qualification: Paediatrician

  • Dentistry

- Duration: 6 years

- Qualification: Dentist

  • Preventive medicine

- Duration: 5 years

- Qualification: hygienist-epidemiologist

  • Public Health

- Duration: 5 years

- Qualification: Public health specialist

  • Pharmacy

- Duration: 5 years

- Qualification: pharmacist

  • Nursing

- Duration: 4 years

- Qualification: Bachelor of Nursing

You can find the general list of documents required for admission into a bachelor’s programme here. Additionally, each programme has its own unique course fee, which you can discover by visiting this link.

The university offers master’s degrees, residential education, doctoral programmes and postdoctoral research programmes in the field of medicine. There are two main types of master's programme offered: 

  • Scientific and pedagogical master's degree, with a focus on providing comprehensive training for higher education and research roles. 
  • Profile Master's Degree, offering applied training aimed at enhancing management skills across various sectors with a focus on developing professional managers and executives.
Kazakhstan residents, foreigners, and stateless individuals permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan can enrol in master's programmes after completing undergraduate studies. The available master’s degree specialisations include;
  • Medicine 
             scientific and pedagogical direction (2 years)
  • Public healthcare
             scientific and pedagogical direction (2 years) and specialised (1 year) direction
  • Nursing
            scientific and pedagogical direction (2 years)
  • Medical and preventive business
            scientific and pedagogical direction (2 years) and specialised (1 year)
  • Biomedicine 
            scientific and pedagogical direction (2 years)
  • Management in healthcare
            scientific and pedagogical direction (2 years) and specialised direction (1 year)
  • Medical and preventive care
           scientific and pedagogical direction (2 years) and specialised direction (1 year)
  • Nutriciology
          scientific and pedagogical (2 years) and specialised direction (1 year)
  • Epidemiology
          specialised direction (1 year)
  • Pharmacy
         specialised direction (1 year)

The doctoral programmes at West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University typically spans for a duration of three years and are aimed at training personnel for scientific, pedagogical and (or) professional activities. 

Residency which is another form of postgraduate advanced medical education in clinical narrow specialties. The purpose of the residency is to ensure the training of qualified, competitive personnel who meet modern requirements for the quality of specialist doctors for independent work. A resident doctor will study and work in a medical organisation under the supervision of a clinical mentor. Additional information about residency education can be found here.

University information

Students can apply to study at West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University via the Platonus platform. Students must first make a profile which will include some personal details, contact information and information about the course they wish to study. Once they have their profile, they will be able to apply for a specific course at the university and submit all relevant documentation to go with their application.A full list of instructions is available on the university website. Any questions can be answered by the Virtual Admissions Office.

Students will need a variety of documents to complete their application to West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University. These will include:

  • A certificate or diploma of their most recent academic achievements (the original, two physical copies and a PDF copy).
  • Six copies of a 3x4 photograph.
  • A medical certificate to prove that the student is in good health including an x-ray image to prove that the student does not have signs of tuberculosis (the original, a physical copy and a PDF copy).
  • Identity documents (the original, three physical copies and a PDF copy).
  • A certificate of exam completion from the Kazakhstan National Testing Centre (the original, two copies from the website and a PDF copy).
  • A certificate of passing a psychometric exam
  • A certificate of award of state funding (if applicable).
  • Receipt of payment for tuition through Centrecredit or Kaspi Bank (for domestic students)
  • A copy of the registration of the capital certificate for boys (physical and PDF copies, for domestic students if applicable).
It is also important to note that:

  • Any documents submitted in a foreign language (not Kazakh or Russian) by an international student needs to be accompanied by a translation which has been done by a government approved translator.
  • Applicants with disabilities or disabled dependents must report this on their medical forms so it can be included in their submission to the application committee.
  • The university recommends students have a folder, two envelopes and a file to organise physical documentation. 




West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University has one campus in the Aktobe region of the country. It is designed for students to live on campus and have all their educational needs met in one place.

The campus has a range of facilities, including:

  • Educational and laboratory buildings
  • Student dormitories
  • The Doszhanova Conference Hall
  • A modern scientific library
  • A medical centre (for professional practice)
  • A family medical clinic with a dental clinic (for professional practice)
  • A centre for professional growth which allows for additional educational experiences
  • A scientific and practical centre
  • A centre for nursing
  • A centre for teaching excellence
The university has 47 different departments, offering a variety of educational programmes. These include undergraduate programmes, residency positions, master’s degrees and PhD doctoral programmes.

Student life

During their time at West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University, students will gain an in-depth knowledge of the medical field and how different roles within medicine interact and support each other to provide people in the region with high-quality medical care.
To ensure student wellbeing, West Kazakhstan Marat Ozpanov Medical University founded the service of social and psychological support. This organisation provides support to students and faculty throughout their studies and into their careers, including

  • Helping first year and international students adapt
  • Helping students in socially vulnerable groups
  • Keeping records of socially vulnerable students
  • Promote a healthy balanced lifestyle
  • Psychological consulting
  • Group classes on preventing professional burn out and emotional exhaustion
  • Individual counselling for on campus issues
  • Advertising on social issues on the university campus

There are five accommodation options on campus for both students and faculty.

The first hostel style building has two types of rooms:

  • Rooms for foreign students – 16,000 KZT per month (around £28.50 GBP or $36 USD)
  • Rooms for university employees – 25,000 KZT per month (around £44.50 GBP or $56.00 USD)

The second hostel-style building has one type of room:

  • Rooms for citizens or long-term residents of Kazakhstan – 9,500 KZT per month (around £17.00 GBP or $21.50 USD)

The third dormitory style residence has four types of rooms:

  • Rooms for residency students – 4000 KZT per night (around £7.00 GBP or $9.00 USD)
  • Superior rooms for residency students – 7000 KZT per night (around £12.50 GBP or $15.50 USD)
  • Rooms for student or residents of Kazakhstan – 20,000 KZT per month (around £35.50 GBP or $45.00 USD)
  • Rooms for university employees – 32,000 KZT per month (around £56.50 GBP or $71.50 USD)

The fourth hostel-style residence has two types of rooms:

  • Rooms for foreign students – 16,000 KZT per month (around £28.50 GBP or $36.00 USD)
  • Rooms for university employees – 25,000 KZT per month (around £44.50 GBP or $56.00 USD)

The fifth dormitory-style residence has three types of rooms:

  • Room for students (two-bed) - 13,800 KZT per month (around £24.50 GBP or $31.00 USD)
  • Room for students (four or five bed) - 12,500 KZT per month (around £22.00 GBP or $28.00 USD)
  • Room for students (eight-bed) - 11,000 KZT per month (around £19.50 GBP or $24.50 USD)
The prices here are from the approved price list for the 2023-2024 intake. For the most recent price details, check the university’s website.

Preparing students for a successful career in the field of medicine, the university offers several career development services to its students. The Centre of Practical Skills is one such service where the objective is to organise a safe educational environment for the formation of practical and clinical competencies of students and the training of medical personnel using simulation training methods. The centre offers 18 classrooms, rooms for debriefing, 205 simulators, training dummies and simulators of 4-6 levels of realism in the main clinical disciplines.   The Centre of Nursing Excellence (CNE) at the university is another career development service which is dedicated to empowering nursing professionals and students to enhance healthcare quality. Through initiatives like national conferences and online meetings, CNE fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing in the field of nursing. It also manages interactions with health authorities and contributes to the CNE platform on evidence-based nursing, research and leadership. CNE offers professional development programmes for nurses at all levels.

The university also offers a dedicated centre to ensure the employment of graduates and to support further training and education needs of them. Few of the core services offered by the Professional Growth Centre includes:

  • Coordination of employment activities for graduates
  • Organisation of relations with business partners and employers
  • Formation of a graduate database
  • Monitoring of graduates' employment and career growth
  • Development and organisation of additional education programmes
  • Conduction of preliminary and final distribution of young specialists (“Job Fair”)
Additionally, the PGC offers training in various medical specialties including therapy, cardiology, emergency medicine, surgery, obstetrics, paediatrics, and more.

The Editorial and Publishing Centre at the university promotes research and publication endeavours among students. Their journal, "West Kazakhstan Medical Journal," features articles covering fundamental and clinical medicine, practical healthcare, and original research in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages.

Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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You can apply via the Platonus platform after creating a profile with personal and course-related details. For detailed instructions, visit the university website or contact the Virtual Admissions Office.
Applicants with disabilities should report this on their medical forms for inclusion in the application. The university provides support services for students with disabilities or dependents.
The campus includes educational and laboratory buildings, dormitories, conference halls, medical centres, libraries, and facilities for professional practice and growth.
The university offers a wide range of programmes including undergraduate, residency, master's, and doctoral programmes across various departments.
There are five accommodation options on campus, ranging from hostel-style buildings to dormitory-style residences, catering to students and faculty members at different rates.
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