QS Social Responsibility Scholarship | Top Universities

QS Social Responsibility Scholarship

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Staff Writer

Updated Feb 16, 2021



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QS is proud to announce the QS Social Responsibility Scholarship. This scholarship is designed to identify applicants who demonstrate a strong level of environmental awareness and a sense of social responsibility.

Scholarship value: US$ 10,000

Recipients: 1

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. You must attend a QS event (World Grad School Tour, World MBA Tour, Connect MBA, Connect Masters)
  2. You must start your first year of study in the next academic year
  3. You must study at a masters (non-MBA) level
  4. You must have accepted an offer from a school by the time we select a winner in May
  5. The scholarship must go towards your tuition fee

If you don`t meet the above eligibility criteria, QS has the right to exclude you from the selections process.


To apply for the scholarship, please elaborate on the below:

Essay topic:  What positive changes do you believe can be made or have you made to improve the environment and/or your society, and how can you personally contribute or have you contributed to these changes?

Word limit: Maximum 500 words


Deadline: 30th of April 2021 (midnight GMT)


Please indicate your full name, scholarship title and QS fair you have attended (example: QS World Grad School Tour- London- March 2021) at the beginning of your essay. These words will not count towards the word limit.

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