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Top 5 Reasons to Study Engineering
Guest Writer
Updated Aug 05, 2024Save
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Many high school students wonder whether they should study engineering at undergraduate level, constantly weighing the pros and cons of studying engineering. Even current engineering students wonder, at some point in their degree program, whether they should continue. Having doubts? Read on for five of the best reasons to study engineering – guaranteed to boost your motivation.
1. Studying engineering brings prestige
Do not forget the prestige that comes with studying engineering. Non-engineers will be like “wow” when they hear that you are an engineer. Everyone knows how much effort is required to qualify as an engineer. They are also well aware of the sacrifices engineering students have to make during their studies. So the element of respect comes naturally.
2. It sets you up for professional success
Your entire thought process changes. You learn how to think like an engineer. You acquire logical thinking and critical analysis skills. Decision-making skills are improved. You become more objective and less emotional when it comes to work. All of these skills are greatly needed in the professional world, in any field. So, engineers tend to do better no matter which sector they choose, and they also tend to make good managers. So much so, engineering is the most common undergraduate degree among Fortune 500 CEOs.
3. You’ll be ready for any problem
I am not saying that once you are done with the engineering degree, you will not encounter any more problems or difficulties in your life. You will. Probably even tougher than the ones faced during your degree. But at the same time, you will have acquired the skills and the confidence to deal with any kind of problem. You will know exactly how to go about it, and where to hit it. No problem – no matter how big – will seem insurmountable. In fact, you will start viewing every problem as a challenge and an opportunity to grow.
4. It brings financial security
If you are the kind of person who craves a lavish and exuberant lifestyle or simply longs for a better future for your kids, then engineering is for you. The majority of educational think-tanks, blogs and news portals rate engineering as one of the top-paid degree programs. To be exact, engineering programs take up almost 40% of the slots in the top 10 paying majors’ lists. The most prominent and lucrative engineering disciplines are chemical, computer, electrical, nuclear and petroleum engineering. Average starting salaries are about US$60k, with the potential to reach US$180k as your career progresses.
5. You get a chance to improve the world
It feels really wonderful when you know that you are actually positively contributing something to society. Words cannot describe the feeling when someone looks at a newly constructed bridge and says, “I built that bridge.” If you ever get a chance to ask an engineer about his/her work, notice how they beam with pride when talking about their contribution in creating something new, even if it is as simple as a “like” button on a website (see above – you know what to do…).
So, I hope this piece has helped provide some motivation to high school students contemplating studying engineering. And as far as current students are concerned, I hope it has given sufficient motivation to get off the couch and finish that project they’ve been procrastinating about!
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An engineer by qualification, Osama has a passion for writing. He writes on various platforms on various topics, under various pen names, and also happens to be a wannabe entrepreneur.
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