Every Stage of Waiting for Christmas Break | Top Universities

Every Stage of Waiting for Christmas Break

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Mathilde Frot

Updated Apr 04, 2018



Every Stage of Waiting for Christmas Break main image

Waiting for Christmas Break is a bit like sitting through the opera: it’s a long, painful stretch of time that goes on forever and leaves you feeling confused and a little out of sorts. Nothing short of Christmas morning will save you from this misery, but classes haven’t even finished yet.   Between now and that lovely, hungover Christmas morning when you’re opening presents, here’s everything you can expect to happen while you wait.

You’ve written off the entire month of December until Christmas morning


Work? Socializing? Netflix is your life now.

The temperature drop has hit you hard


To quote Withnail and I, you’re “drifting into the arena of the unwell”.

Now that it gets dark at 4pm, you’ve become a recluse 


As the French say, l’enfer c’est les autres.

You’re snowed under with work... 

You’ve barricaded your dorm room. It’s just you, energy drinks and your mounting pile of assignments.

...And you’re not entirely sure how you’ll make it through Finals Week 


Why make Finals Week before Christmas break? It’s sadistic.

Somehow, you’re auto-piloting your way through to the morning of the 25th 


Sleep, what is sleep?

When finals are over, you’ll be wearing fuzzy socks and watching ALL THE Christmas movies 

That’s right. No one can stop you. It’ll just be you, Colin Firth and Colin Firth’s Portuguese housekeeper. 

You’ve been blasting Michael Bublé in your dorms while you study...

Because, by God, you know how to have fun, and no one is going to stop you, not even your roommate.

...And have had Christmas lights up in your room since December 1...

It’s the only way to make it through your exams in one piece. 

...Because you don’t mind breaking the rules in the name of Christmas

  Let’s face it, the yellow lighting in your dorms is so utterly depressing. 

You can’t wait to enjoy all the quiet luxuries of your parents’ home... 

Like a well-stocked fridge and a sink not overrun with dishes.

...And a functioning heater

Luxuries, really.

You also can’t wait to light Christmas candles without setting off the fire alarm… 

Because nothing says Christmas like Yankee’s Christmas Cookie candles.

...And eat ALL THE FOOD... 


Because you’ve been starving for months.

...I mean, and see your family, of course... 

...But mostly, eat...


You’ve brought Tupperware boxes to bring leftovers to your dorm-room next year.