14 Tweets Every Fresher Can Relate To | Top Universities

14 Tweets Every Fresher Can Relate To

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Sabrina Collier

Updated May 14, 2019



14 Tweets Every Fresher Can Relate To main image

Freshers' Week is in full swing at universities up and down the UK, and whatever happens, it’s sure to be memorable. No doubt if these are your first days at university, you’re excited, overwhelmed, apprehensive, homesick, or a confusing mix of all four. Don’t worry though, you’re not the only person going through all of this. Some of these might seem painfully familiar.

When you realize you might have overpacked a tiny bit…

When your first student loan payment comes in, and you’re absolutely buzzing.

When you check the reading list for your course, and your heart sinks. SO MUCH TO BUY.

You start to realize your diet probably isn’t sustainable...

…and eventually discover a delicious and ridiculously easy meal.

You head to the freshers’ fair because you’ve heard rumors about all the great freebies…

…but have to stand outside queueing in the rain for hours just to get them

Unfortunately, the rumors you heard about fire alarms were true.

It’s bar crawl time and you and your new flatmates decide to get creative with your outfits.

Feeling hungover? Have a nap.

In fact, napping is now one of your skills.

You start to feel a little homesick…particularly for your pet.

Then the dreaded freshers’ flu sets in, and you start Googling important questions.

So yeah…it's been an interesting week.