International Student Motivations | Top Universities

International Student


Free to download or read online, the guide covers:

Free to download or read online, the guide covers:

What do international students look for when choosing a country to study in? Which key factors can make all the difference when choosing between two similar universities? And what are the underlying expectations and aspirations driving applicants to study abroad in the first place? These questions are addressed in Part 1 of this year’s QS World Grad School Tour Applicant Survey, produced in association with Cambridge English Language Assessment. Based on a global survey of more than 7,000 prospective international students, the report examines key trends in international student motivations at each stage of the application process.

  • The growing significance of employability-related factors
  • The influence of funding on destination choice
  • Variation in priorities among different applicant groups
  • Emerging destinations and trends in course choice

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