What to Expect When Studying in the Netherlands | Top Universities

What to Expect When Studying in the Netherlands

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Updated Nov 18, 2020



What to Expect When Studying in the Netherlands main image

By Raquel Everduin

The education system in the Netherlands rivals that of some US and UK universities, but with a unique Dutch twist.

The people are welcoming and the cities are beautiful, so you will enjoy your time while you’re studying here. Here are just a few of the other reasons to choose a university in the Netherlands.

Many universities offer English-taught programs

Don’t panic about needing to learn the local language (one of the common concerns when deciding to study abroad) as there are a lot of courses taught in English in the Netherlands. People in the Netherlands are very proficient in English, so communicating with Dutch people at school or socially will be a breeze.

This prevalence of the English language will probably help you feel more at home and help you adjust more easily to your new international life.

There are lots of scholarship options and financial aid programs

Studying in the Netherlands also means you’ll have access to a lot of scholarship opportunities. It depends on a few factors, but finding a scholarship that fits will be easier than you think!

A modern, inclusive teaching environment

Another reason why studying in the Netherlands could be the right choice for you is that the way of teaching is heavily focused on encouraging communication between students and faculty, with an open-minded approach to the curriculum.

This open-mindedness extends to the country’s embrace of international students, ensuring you are learning in a welcoming and intellectually rich environment.

Focus on independent learning

There is a lot of self-study and self-planning expected of students in the Netherlands. This might be challenging at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be much more independent and appreciative of this system. It’s also good preparation for your future as a professional where you will have to work more like this.

However, you’ve been warned about the weather…

Then there is the thing you will probably struggle with the most…the weather. It can be quite bad at any time of the year, but once you get used to the rainy and windy days, you’ll learn to appreciate them.

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